DFO Announces further SRKW Restrictions

The Province has also made some bonehead decisions in the past on numerous regulatory matters. Not sure they would be any better than DFO. But in any case - unless the Province successfully separates from the Confederation sometime in the far future - we are stuck with the feds for salmon fishing regulation.

And whether any individual likes it or not - in unceeded territories (BC/Yukon) - FN will continue to have an increasing role in resource management thru colonial law that includes s. 35, case law, UNDRIP/DRIPA, Bills C-15 (federally) and 41 (Provincially).

It's not about "growing shoulders" - it's about getting smarter with strategy and partners.

That's 100 percent valid however let me reiterate that. I'm staying that this coast needs it own minister. Not provincallly funded. Just my opinion. Like Alaska, how they have their own commissioner. By saying grow shoulders, yes 100 percent. That means more people who are actually involved. Funding. Last I checked DFO said there was an average of 350k tidal licence holders. Let's get some funding, let's charge 50 bucks for a salmon stamp that goes into management, let's charge a percent on commercial TAC at the dock like Alaska does, which goes into management and enhancement. As of right now we are most definetly out numbered.
Let's base our TAC yearly even for sport. Count things, manage things, enhance things, know what we have.

As of right now we don't have a large group with funding and these letters and this survey is not the answer. If that's all the input we have, it won't be enough. Seriously what else can we do?

@SpringVelocity your 100 percent right if more people don't patcicpate then it's over. My question is participate in what?
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This one is pretty interesting. Put that in perspective and see how it unfolds.


In 2018, marine sectors in Canada generated 298,333 jobs and contributed $36.1 billion in GDP

Some of you are in there. I sure as **** am

That's 100 percent valid however let me reiterate that. I'm staying that this coast needs it own minister. Not provincallly funded. Just my opinion. Like Alaska, how they have their own commissioner. By saying grow shoulders, yes 100 percent. That means more people who are actually involved. Funding. Last I checked DFO said there was an average of 350k tidal licence holders. Let's get some funding, let's charge 50 bucks for a salmon stamp that goes into management, let's charge a percent on commercial TAC at the dock like Alaska does, which goes into management and enhancement.
Canada and the Provinces are put together fundamentally different than the US and the States, SH - from the US independence onwards. By-and-large in the USA - the States have the regulatory authority for fisheries, wharves and the like. Not so in Canada.

In Canada, the Constitution Act generates the authority for the other Acts and the earlier BNA Act details what authority the Provinces get. They only get to regulate FW fisheries under a MOU with the feds. Anything else is "ultra vires", as was laid out in the Morton Case 2019:

That also includes public wharves and the like in addition to fisheries. Even the salmon stamp has a story.
Why it’s important to fill out the surevey and We will be up against potentially a few thousand answers that look like this. Refusing to fill it out because you don’t agree with it no one will care no one will see that.

What they will see is 100s of responses that look like this

Question 2. Which one of these proposed fishing closures options in Swiftsure Bank do you support?​

  • Option B
Should additional areas be considered, or do you have further comments regarding this option?

  • Yes.
  • The expanded closures at Swiftsure Bank, including Area 21-0, 121-1 and part of 121-2, are important foraging areas that must be included. Additional considerations should be given to areas north of Swiftsure into Barkley Sound.
I really hope you all fill it out
done and I agree it is important to fill it out BUT
It is DFO strategy to demonstrate people either have no desire to see reduced restrictions OR wish to see increased restrictions.
Is there any mechanism that will allow the result of this survey to be made public once completed.
It seems to my failing memory we went thru pretty much the same survey last year
Why it’s important to fill out the surevey and We will be up against potentially a few thousand answers that look like this. Refusing to fill it out because you don’t agree with it no one will care no one will see that.

What they will see is 100s of responses that look like this

Question 2. Which one of these proposed fishing closures options in Swiftsure Bank do you support?​

  • Option B
Should additional areas be considered, or do you have further comments regarding this option?

  • Yes.
  • The expanded closures at Swiftsure Bank, including Area 21-0, 121-1 and part of 121-2, are important foraging areas that must be included. Additional considerations should be given to areas north of Swiftsure into Barkley Sound.

What a joke. That was great because it tells us openly what we knew all along.

Survey is being driven by the NGO lobby. Just look at Pender Island. It has the most reporting with whale encounters, and most heavily restricted. Now why is that? Maybe ask the leader of Raincoast?
What we need is a large BC angling alliance group. Keep the sportfishing title out of it. This group needs to be heavily funded. The money has to come from the industry and go back into the industry. Like the provincial fish and game society does it. Has to be press releases that speak from the side of the angling community province wide. All we have now is small groups who try and help manage certain areas. We need a group that does exactly what raincoast is doing, except from the other side. Right now, it's one sided.
I would be curious about how you got this information. Are you a Rainforest member?
I am not a member of Rainforest, nor do I follow the opinions of this group.
Looking forward to you providing some proof that Rainforest are instructing their members to fill out the survey as you have stated
or is it simply conjecture on your part?

The link is above that @wildmanyeah posted up. Have a nice day!💩💩💩
The link is above that @wildmanyeah posted up. Have a nice day!💩💩💩
I opened the last 2 post from Wildman on the subject and in fact that is how I found the link so I could fill out the survey as he suggested.
Please help me, I can't find the link where Wildman showed how Rainforest are instructing their member on how to fill out the survey.
Perhaps Wildman or you can help me find it as it as perhaps I am mistaken when I asked you if your post was fact or conjecture
Thanks for the help.

Crew Member​

We will be up against potentially a few thousand answers that look like this.
  • Option B
Should additional areas be considered, or do you have further comments regarding this option?
  • Yes.
  • The expanded closures at Swiftsure Bank, including Area 21-0, 121-1 and part of 121-2, are important foraging areas that must be included. Additional considerations should be given to areas north of Swiftsure into Barkley Sound.
next post...
I really hope you all fill it out
Survey has been released by DFO. Link is below. I suggest everyone reading this and also posting do it. Our NGO friends (BIG LAUGH ON THAT ONE) will be coordinating to fill out with as many members as possible.

Subject: Provide Input on Recovery of Southern Resident Killer Whale Management Measures for 2023 through an Online Survey


Title: Provide Input on Recovery of Southern Resident Killer Whale Management Measures for 2023 through an Online Survey

Survey is out.

The Government of Canada would like to hear from you! On January 19th, 2023, an online survey was launched to seek feedback on the potential management measures to help the recovery of the of Southern Resident Killer Whales.

Since 2019, the Government of Canada has implemented a suite of measures each year to protect and further support the recovery of this iconic Pacific whale population. These measures address key threats to the recovery of this population, including reduced quantity and access to their prey, and increased noise and disturbance in their habitat.

Your ideas and feedback will help us refine the potential management measures and help us understand potential implications of the options being considered. As such, we invite you to review the potential management measure options for 2023, and submit your comments to help inform this year’s approach. The public survey is available on the Fisheries and Oceans Canada website until February 19, 2023. Please use this link: https://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/consultation/fm-gp/srkw-eprs/2023-srkw-management-gestion-ers-eng.html to access the survey.

If there are any questions about the Southern Resident Killer Whale management measures, please contact DFO.SRKW-ERS.MPO@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Reposting link to survey
Reposting link to survey
I think got it straight now
conjecture right
No proof Rainforest are directing their member to filling out the survey ??
Let me know when you find that direct instruction as I do not follow Rainforest.
No need to post the complete survey with how you think others might,
Happy to see we are directing our members of this forum to fill out the survey.
I think got it straight now
conjecture right
No proof Rainforest are directing their member to filling out the survey ??
Let me know when you find that direct instruction as I do not follow Rainforest.
No need to post the complete survey with how you think others might,
Happy to see we are directing our members of this forum to fill out the survey.

What are you talking about? You keep taking runs at me but none of what you written makes any sense. So bizarre.