HDS9 Touch Software Update??

I updated the software for my unit this week and I think it might have been a mistake!
My unit no longer seems to function correctly....The menus that used to allow me to put speed, depth, etc. on various screens and split screens seems to be gone??!! It also doesn't seem to be reading water depth correctly either....it's saying it's waaay deeper than it actually is (like 200 ft on the chart and 500 ft on the sonar??). Everything worked fine last weekend before the "Update".
Has anyone else had issues with this "Update"? It is from August 2016.
Can anyone help?
NootkaFisher, I didn't have any problem with the new update on my HDS9.

I'm going to Harbour Chandler today so I'll ask Colin if he has been told of any problems with the update and let you know.
NootkaFisher, you must have the Gen2 HDS 9. The old software had the overlay data on a separate menu that you went to to add or remove your info on the screen.

With the new software on your Gen 2 has changed to make it exactly like the Gen 3 units. So to access the edit overlay data, push the power button once while the machine is on and you will get a whole new menu with all kind of new things on it.

As far as the depth issue, the new update would have defaulted all the settings such as gain, palatte, and might have gone to 50 or 83 kHz instead of 200 kHz on the transducer.

I'll attach a picture of the main screen that you get when you hit the power button.
