Fishing Stereotypes lol

OMG that is hilarious! So true. I think I've fallen into several of those categories over the years but one I tend to always be is the Excuser lol. If I'm not catching fish I'll find some reason for it that doesn't put me at fault :)

And my buddy; he's the Rage Monster lol. Gets his line tangled or something and has a melt down :) Needs his "meds" to calm down a bit :) Golfing; same thing, breaks clubs or throws them in the pond lol!

The massive bobber and steak for bait is awesome :D

Pushing the fish out close to the camera to make it look bigger...Yup that's a very common one lol
Frickn' hilarious SK.And yes I am a fish kisser.Don't ever accuse me of being a fish licker though,or I'll transform into the Rage monster before your very eyes,lol.