Columbia River Coho on FIRE!


The Pacific Ocean section around the mouth of the mighty Columbia River is awash with Coho Salmon. Both Washington and Oregon have opened it up for retention of three fin clipped salmon including one which may be a Chinook either clipped or not. Forget about the Chinook for now as the Coho are so thick you hardly get the bait in the water past five feet before getting a strike. Generally it takes a sort of between 10 - 20 fish to get your 3- fin clipped hatchery limit. Get out and harvest that bumper crop.


Clinging to my Guns and Religion.
im glad too see the americans getting a kick at it, their probably responsible for the increased numbers of salmon around this year all over the coast, thanks to proactive hatchery programs, we are seeing excellent fishing here as well, maybe our govt,s could figure it out also????