Bye Bye Mr Harper!!!

  • Thread starter The Fish Assassin
  • Start date
quote:Originally posted by blueorca

I say we fire each and every one of them....from all four parties... and start again with people whom are there for the right reasons....

Agreed! None of the parties have real solutions. Creating conflict by tearing open old wounds is a dangerous game that we all may end up paying for.
Well, David, I'm glad to see you are the same as every other liberal out there, you don't have any facts, you just rant and rave like a pre-schooler who wants his juice box, the price of ammo has doubled at all the local sporting good shops in this area, and elswhere, if you could actually look into these things before you spout off about them you would give yourself some credibility. I'm not sure who is blaming Obama for anything, I haven't heard any one blaming him. And I do plan to stick
quote:Originally posted by blueorca

Didn't take long for this thread to denigrate into name dropping and Obama bashing.
Now that MR. Duncan has shown his true colors as being ...oh I don't know...sneaky..disgraceful..immoral...possibly even guilty of an illegal activity,,,
I say we fire each and every one of them....from all four parties... and start again with people whom are there for the right reasons....
not their own shallow egos and power pushing agendas...
Every taxpaying person who took the time to vote in the last election should disgusted with this crap.


How is it disgraceful? If anything it is smart. And thank goodness he everyone can know that this plan was made well before the economic update and has nothing to do with it. I'm proud to say John Duncan is my MP.
Dave-- you are proud of Duncan... Ok fine. But PLEASE tell me what he has done during his previous stint as an MP and more recently as a "Special (paid) Advisor" to the Dept of Fisheries and Oceans when Catherine Bell won the North Island seat.

What did he do for sportsfishermen?? ( and dont tell me he stabilzed funding for SEP hatcheries-- they are still in dire circumstances for funding)

I would be the first to say "Thank You" if I could see that he had accomplished something positive for the North Island-- but I cant.

20ft Alumaweld Intruder
Yea, I've noticed that Dave has grown strangly silent faced with actual facts, funny how that happens to liberals, my guess is he will have something to say about my intelegence level and bla bla bla.

ps, we have a new vid coming soon on the Trinity River in northern California.
Uh, steelhead stalker,

Let's have another look at what you posted that irked me.

"So, I've taken some time to read most of the comments on this topic, and it seems earily similar to the political seen in the US, the only thing I don't know about is the media in Canada. Hear in the US, it is totally liberall, you can't believe a word you hear on the evening news. Kinda scary actually, people have been going nuts buying guns and ammo since Obama got elected, the price of ammo has doubled in the last month. Maybe you guys are not aware of this, but Obama is not a US citizen, he can not produce a birth certificat, yet its never mentioned. aaahhhh drives me nuts just to talk about it."

Now, you'll notice that I've bolded a half dozen of the words you used in your post.
That's because they are all spelled wrong.
In addition, you have a number of run-on sentences, incorrect punctuations and an inane statement.

I'll let that evidence speak to your "intelligence level."

You claim, as do many right-wingers, that Obama isn't a US citizen. As if somehow, in the hubbub of all that is America and a Presidential election of historic proportions, this guy was able to sneak his way into the position of President-elect without proving he's an American????
Nobody thought to check?

Incredible, and very typical of right-wing zealots and their ilk in making dumb claims.
To your credit, at least you didn't claim he's a Muslim, as many still do.
At my age I've damn near seen and heard it all, so whenever obvious dog droppings from a newby smell up the site I point it out.

Now, your claim that "people have been going nuts buying guns and ammo since Obama got elected" is one I've seen on a number of sites, and it always comes from one or more of the well known nutcase right-wing whackos that inhabit those places, hence my suggestion that you were nuts before your claim that "aaahhhh drives me nuts just to talk about it." You sound exactly like those nutcases, paranoid and delusional.

I suppose I could have been more helpful by suggesting that perhaps it's better you don't talk about it, if it's going to make you nuts, but having manifested all the earmarks of a zealot with little ability to reason for yourself I thought I'd just give you a heads up.
And don't play the he's a liberal game with me either.
All that does is identify yourself as a conservative, maybe even a real neo-con type too, judging by your post contents.
Oh, and just how exactly can all the media in the US be liberal when the vast majority of guys like you are usually glued to Fox News or the Drudge Report?
Now tell us how smart that Rush Limbaugh is, or maybe Bill O'reilly.
Heck, you could even point out what a babe that Anne Coulter is, now that she's a female.

Lastly, just exactly what "actual facts" did you offer after my initial response that you're so sure caused me to grow strangely silent. That the price of guns and ammo has doubled in Hicksville Oregon?
You can barely articulate a complete sentence, let alone offer any facts.

Back to the drawing board amigo.

Take care.

Oh, and it looks like there are a couple of Dave's here, which is a bit confusing I see.
I haven't commented on John Duncan at all.
Wow Dave, your making me into a profit. I can forsee the future response of Dave.. aahaahahah More coments about my intelegence and no info... Sorry for the spelling and grammer errors, ya know huked on phoenex wurked for me... This is a fishing forum not a college exam. So, what info were you looking for on ammo prices, if not eye witness accounts? Did you want a Wall Street Journal article, or maybe something more your speed like the LA times. Fox news, Limbaugh, Oriely, they are all a bunch of pupets, for the right wing, so don't think that I take there words for gospel. Oh, and if your going to critique my writing perhaps you should keep out the fragments yourself. And don't play that he's a liberal game with me either. hmm seems like a fragment to me? But who's nit picking, again Dave, what other than ranting about my intelligence have you offered to support your side of this discusion. And I'm not sure what issues are even being discused hear. Perhaps we should lay the issues out on the table. I said the price of ammo has doubled since obama won the election. I based this on the fact that the Sportsmans Warehouse's in Medford, Salem, and Portland, have been unable to keep their stores supplied with certian types of ammo. Mostly .308, .223, and many others. Also reloading supplies, especially powder. If you feel this is not a true statement then perhaps you should look into it yourself. Check out some online ammo dealers, its really not that hard. But alas, being the clear genius that you are I'm sure you will just make comments about my intelligence and agian not give any info. Have you thought about running for pres?
Steelhead stalker,

Your post clearly infers that the election of Obama, a non-American according to you, has led to people going nuts and buying up guns and ammo madly, thereby driving up prices etc.

Here's a bit of a response to the rising prices for ammo phenomenom:

"In addition to the war, and perhaps more importantly(.223 is the only thing that has really been affected by the US military, and even that's not a whole lot), the metals market has gone nuts. China is using more everything, so some metals have doubled in price lately. Copper, lead, zinc, all big ammo metals, have pretty much lead the way. Ammo already has gone up dramaticly, although maybe the new prices haven't been implimented yet if you have a huge stock pile to work with from before like Wal-Mart still has (their Rem Express prices are lower than anyone else is buying wholesale right now, at least where I am). I think that it will level out, cause they're not really rare metals and with all that money there's bound to be some new mines dug somewhere. However so far Winchester said that at the end of the year their prices will be going up an average of 13%. And usually when one goes up, the others will follow suit. Where you really see the difference is in promotional stuff, where the cost is mostly the material. Cheap pistol ammo and cheap lead shot and .22 LR is gonna go up a significant percent, whereas while the premium lines will still go up, it won't be a huge percent."

Now be advised that the above was written two years ago and was selected as the best answer regarding the question about the forthcoming increase in prices for ammo etc.
Two years ago.
Obama wasn't even the Democratic candidate then.
In fact, it looked a lot like Hillary would be the Dem candidate back then.

Still, you and your ilk spout this crap off as if there were some kind of link between the election of Obama and the fear that anarchy shall soon reign and it'll be every man for himself so we all better buy lots of guns and ammo ad nauseum.
It's quite a crazy theory, given the facts of the matter.
Right now, metal prices are falling and I'd bet that somewhere down the line ammo prices will reflect that too.

Is that enough info for you?

So, cling to your guns and your Bible if they make you feel better, but for goodness sake give your head a shake. Something in there isn't working quite right it appears.

Take care.
Hey guys,
I'm originally from Pennsylvania, moved to oregon 3 years ago and have become a decent steelhead fisherman, I hear that bc has the best, I'm on a tight budget so I am trying to plan a trip up that way to do some steelheading, any tips would be awsome, any way, my brother in law and I are messing around with a web site, check it out and let me know what ya think, if ya ever head down this way maybe I could point you in the right direction..

Steelheadstalker, you gotta take this for what it's worth.
You posted the above statement in order to advertise your website per say...that's fine...all of us on here that don't hide behind a tag do's what the mod's allow and quite frankly I think it allows for a much more honest forum.
What concerns me the most is how you are portraying yourself and remember...your the figure head for your website and how your comment on certain situations and threads is a direct reflection on your website...whether you like it or not.
I have been to your site...probably won't go back and it's all to do with how you've handled yourself in the first 20 posts and how you seem to have little regard for some of the other's on here.
I comment alot on here and have been through some good debates but I'm alway's more careful now on how I think my reactions might have implications in the future...
I'd sit back...take a deep breath and post some constructive steelhead info for starters and then work your way into an arguement
Chad-- it might be worth emailing that site and asking if anyone there really has the authority to speak for the owners of the site... I suspect another troll-- so I will just ignore everything from him in the future until he proves he has something useful to contribute to this site.

CA ;).

20ft Alumaweld Intruder
quote:Originally posted by Cuba Libre

Chad-- it might be worth emailing that site and asking if anyone there really has the authority to speak for the owners of the site... I suspect another troll-- so I will just ignore everything from him in the future until he proves he has something useful to contribute to this site.

CA ;). my goodness you like to blame trolls when ever you disagree with a post.
Ya better watch whos' site you start f'ing with. I have NOTHING to do with the steelhead guy so maybe back off a bit before you find your as* in some hot water laddie. ;)

20ft Alumaweld Intruder
So how did this go from Canadian Politics to a US ***** fest about their politics to someones webpage????

Put the knives away guys and enjoy the holidays!!!!!



Holidays Blues I bet [:p]

quote:Originally posted by Sitkaspruce

So how did this go from Canadian Politics to a US ***** fest about their politics to someones webpage????

Put the knives away guys and enjoy the holidays!!!!!




Point well taken Richmake, I will most certianly refrain from any more political banter, I was really just having fun with the whole situation, but can understand how it would not have been taken that way. Sorry for that.
An interesting artical.

2008: The prime minister's year of living arrogantly
By Janet BagnallJanuary 2, 2009

Economic turmoil is not the only detritus from 2008 that will follow Canadians into 2009. There is also the matter of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's thwarted political ambitions -- for which, if 2008 is any guide, we will pay dearly in 2009.

Harper seems to be a man in thrall to what he thinks of as his destiny: The leader of a majority government beholden to no one, free to choose what principles to uphold or promises to honour.

Throughout 2008, evidence piled up about the kind of leader Harper would be, unfettered by minority status.

Belittling the opposition parties at every opportunity, he passed a fixed-date election law in 2007 -- to prevent others from crassly manipulating the electoral calendar -- then overrode his own law.

He insisted he would not stack the Senate with fundraisers and party stalwarts, but did. His government was to be a model of transparency and openness, yet isn't. His Supreme Court nominees would be vetted and reviewed by a parliamentary committee, but he didn't bother with any of that when he appointed Nova Scotian Thomas Cromwell this month.

A five-year no-lobbying rule was brought in, ostensibly to head off Liberal riff-raff and grafters. It did nothing to prevent Harper's former chief of staff Ian Brodie from signing on with one of the country's top public-relations firms.

Looking back from New Year's Eve, precious little of the Conservative high ground remains. In fact, there seems scant reason to assume that Harper means anything he says.

Take fixed election dates. His government actually went to the trouble in 2007 of passing an amendment to the Canada Elections Act, fixing future federal elections to the third Monday of October, four years after the previous election. Under the amendment, we should have had an election on Oct. 19, 2009.

Instead, as soon as Harper felt he stood a chance to win a majority, a moment of optimism that came to him this year, he called an election. He briskly jettisoned the "level playing field" and the "clear rules" that he claimed a fixed date conferred on electoral contests. Was the Oct. 14 election even legal? Scholars debated the question.

One of the most serious reversals concerns Canadians' access to information about the workings of their own government and its various regulatory and oversight bodies.

A listeriosis outbreak this summer at a Maple Leaf Foods packaging plant in Toronto was linked to 20 deaths and 53 additional cases of poisoning.

If ever there was a case in which Canadians have a clear interest in finding out what went so badly wrong with their food-inspection process, this is it.

Yet, according to CBC News, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is withholding files about its handling of the outbreak.

The agency is claiming there are too many requests for information, CBC said, and is seeking to delay releasing its records for another year.

Canadians cannot turn to the country's Access to Information law for help. This fall, a report by a member of the Canadian Association of Journalists found that federal delays in responding to requests for information were at a "crisis level."

Canada trails other countries when it comes to openness and transparency, the report said. The Conservative government had originally promised to update the 25-year-old law but its efforts went in quite the opposite direction. In April, auditor-general Sheila Fraser charged that the Harper government had proposed to vet statements she made to the media.

An elected Senate was, in theory, a principle the Conservatives held dear. Harper had introduced legislation limiting Senate terms to eight years and requiring that "consultative" Senate elections be held. The bills died on the order paper when Harper called the Oct. 14 vote.

Constitutional scholars were outraged when Harper announced the appointment of 18 new senators this month.

McGill professor Desmond Morton told the Toronto Star that the appointments -- under the parliamentary circumstances -- were a scandal.

"He has the power to do it, but he shouldn't have the gall," said Morton.

True, but if 2008 has taught us anything about Stephen Harper it's that he has mastered the art of barrelling past his own contradictions, sanctimony to the fore.

Take only what you need.
quote:Originally posted by The Fish Assassin

An interesting artical.

2008: The prime minister's year of living arrogantly
By Janet BagnallJanuary 2, 2009

Economic turmoil is not the only detritus from 2008 that will follow Canadians into 2009. There is also the matter of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's thwarted political ambitions -- for which, if 2008 is any guide, we will pay dearly in 2009.

Harper seems to be a man in thrall to what he thinks of as his destiny: The leader of a majority government beholden to no one, free to choose what principles to uphold or promises to honour.

Throughout 2008, evidence piled up about the kind of leader Harper would be, unfettered by minority status.

Belittling the opposition parties at every opportunity, he passed a fixed-date election law in 2007 -- to prevent others from crassly manipulating the electoral calendar -- then overrode his own law.

He insisted he would not stack the Senate with fundraisers and party stalwarts, but did. His government was to be a model of transparency and openness, yet isn't. His Supreme Court nominees would be vetted and reviewed by a parliamentary committee, but he didn't bother with any of that when he appointed Nova Scotian Thomas Cromwell this month.

A five-year no-lobbying rule was brought in, ostensibly to head off Liberal riff-raff and grafters. It did nothing to prevent Harper's former chief of staff Ian Brodie from signing on with one of the country's top public-relations firms.

Looking back from New Year's Eve, precious little of the Conservative high ground remains. In fact, there seems scant reason to assume that Harper means anything he says.

Take fixed election dates. His government actually went to the trouble in 2007 of passing an amendment to the Canada Elections Act, fixing future federal elections to the third Monday of October, four years after the previous election. Under the amendment, we should have had an election on Oct. 19, 2009.

Instead, as soon as Harper felt he stood a chance to win a majority, a moment of optimism that came to him this year, he called an election. He briskly jettisoned the "level playing field" and the "clear rules" that he claimed a fixed date conferred on electoral contests. Was the Oct. 14 election even legal? Scholars debated the question.

One of the most serious reversals concerns Canadians' access to information about the workings of their own government and its various regulatory and oversight bodies.

A listeriosis outbreak this summer at a Maple Leaf Foods packaging plant in Toronto was linked to 20 deaths and 53 additional cases of poisoning.

If ever there was a case in which Canadians have a clear interest in finding out what went so badly wrong with their food-inspection process, this is it.

Yet, according to CBC News, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is withholding files about its handling of the outbreak.

The agency is claiming there are too many requests for information, CBC said, and is seeking to delay releasing its records for another year.

Canadians cannot turn to the country's Access to Information law for help. This fall, a report by a member of the Canadian Association of Journalists found that federal delays in responding to requests for information were at a "crisis level."

Canada trails other countries when it comes to openness and transparency, the report said. The Conservative government had originally promised to update the 25-year-old law but its efforts went in quite the opposite direction. In April, auditor-general Sheila Fraser charged that the Harper government had proposed to vet statements she made to the media.

An elected Senate was, in theory, a principle the Conservatives held dear. Harper had introduced legislation limiting Senate terms to eight years and requiring that "consultative" Senate elections be held. The bills died on the order paper when Harper called the Oct. 14 vote.

Constitutional scholars were outraged when Harper announced the appointment of 18 new senators this month.

McGill professor Desmond Morton told the Toronto Star that the appointments -- under the parliamentary circumstances -- were a scandal.

"He has the power to do it, but he shouldn't have the gall," said Morton.

True, but if 2008 has taught us anything about Stephen Harper it's that he has mastered the art of barrelling past his own contradictions, sanctimony to the fore.

Take only what you need.

Hahaha...sounds like the hippies at the Salt Spring News are still writing amusing articles!!
I won't disagree that everybody has a right to their opinion. I do believe that as a fishing forum we should keep our political discussions to matters about fishing. We have enough problems with trolls upsetting our inner peace we get from discussing fishing.
The writer is from the Montreal Gazette.

New Member

9 Posts
Posted - 01/02/2009 : 22:48:00

I won't disagree that everybody has a right to their opinion. I do believe that as a fishing forum we should keep our political discussions to matters about fishing. We have enough problems with trolls upsetting our inner peace we get from discussing fishing

IMHO Why would you think that a general open forum with a thread titled Bye Bye Mr Harper!!! have anything to do about fishing? I know your new and all but, If you want to talk fishing go to Salt Water Fishing Forum or Fresh Water Fishing Forum. This General Forum is just that.. for General posts. Were supposed to Use this category for topics of a general nature. We use this to talk about Hockey, Hunting, and pretty much anything else we see fit. If you want political discussions with matters directly related to fishing, it should be posted in the fishing forums.

and BTW are you an actual Gunsmith? I need a new bolt for my 25-06.

Take only what you need.