JDF Derby Shutdown

Someone with more time than me can maybe set up a sfbc donation group that members can donate to. Then we can see our accomplishments at the end and even utilize that $ as a tool to make the public aware of what we are really about.

If we can get that up and running I am willing to donate a half day summer salmon charter, with all proceeds going to the SSE
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Someone with more time than me can maybe set up a sfbc donation group that members can donate to. Then we can see our accomplishments at the end and even utilize that $ as a tool to make the public aware of what we are really about.

If we can get that up and running I am willing to donate a half day summer salmon charter, with all proceeds going to the SSE

I don’t think we need anything complicated. Chris73 is heavily involved in the Consultants Derby that I think puts about $10,000 into Local Hatcheries. I do not want to speak for him but if he is willing why not we go through him and have our funds go directly to hatcheries for pacific salmon enhancement (they also do steelhead) and habitat restoration. They can issue receipts but I am not sure of their legal status for say charitable donations.

We can set up a separate thread in the Saltwater Fishing Forum that recognizes those of us who have already pledged to donate and the amount and add new donators Pledging. So far we have all pledged a minimum of $100. That’s a good number, Perhaps we come up with some token reward, a hat with a patch or just a patch that says “Pacific Salmon Supporter 2012” for a donation of $100.00 or more. We could also hit up the business that benefit from us for donations.
For now keep those $100. Pledges coming.
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I don’t think we need anything complicated. Chris73 is heavily involved in the Consultants Derby that I think puts about $10,000 into Local Hatcheries. I do not want to speak for him but if he is willing why not we go through him and have our funds go directly to hatcheries for pacific salmon enhancement (they also do steelhead) and habitat restoration. They can issue receipts but I am not sure of their legal status for say charitable donations.

We can set up a separate thread in the Saltwater Fishing Forum that recognizes those of us who have already pledged to donate and the amount and add new donators Pledging. So far we have all pledged a minimum of $100. That’s a good number, Perhaps we come up with some token reward, a hat with a patch or just a patch that says “Pacific Salmon Supporter 2012” for a donation of $100.00 or more. We could also hit up the business that benefit from us for donations.
For now keep those $100. Pledges coming.

hey rock, ours isn't registered charity, so our only options typically if sponsors want a receipt is for them to donate directly to SSE and we include that 'total' in our donation check (only makes sense with large donations). I'm sure he'd have no problem accepting donations and including them as part of the derby, and if you have a business you would like to advertise, we could certainly include them as part of our sponsor package based on your donation. We donated $15000 last year (also $5000 to Goldstream as well as the $10k to SSE), we would love more this year (assuming DFO lets our schedule work!) and get as much out there to help for what JDF can't contribute. I want to find out exactly who relies on their funds so we can spread it around locally if any just need for their day to day operations.
Great to see some interest in fund raising to offset the loss of donations that will be missing from this derby not going forward this year.
Let's not put a $100 minimum on it as every dollar counts and not everyone is in the position to donate $100. Some will donate more but less should be accepted also.
JDF Salmon Derby is a registered Society and maybe something will come together through them.
Also with all the media about the cancellation, a donation through the derby name would be a strong message to the public.
Stay tuned.

It definately doesn't need to be $100, every little bit would definately help. Any and everything is better than nothing.
Make the best use of your donation by donating it straight to the JDF Derby with the understanding that all of it is to be donated to local enhancement groups. That way the derby gets the benefit of the show of support and also all sport fishermen get the recognition of really caring about saving fish. I'm sure George would be over whelmed by this kind of generous support...the organizing group deserves this for all the years of hard unpaid work they do on our behalf.
If people wanted to drop of donations at my work, I would be more than happy to get then to George as well. ..we need to set something up and make it happen... Lets all be open to ideas to make it work.
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Nice to see some dedicated commitments. A few ideas from my side:

1) You know that I organize the Consultants Derby which has been donating all proceeds equal more than $50k to Sooke and Goldstream over the last few years. We could easily set up another donation pay box on our website (paypal) for everyone to chip in. We will then present this amount as a separate cheque to our charity of choice at our event July 28. We could decide as a group where to donate it to. We could leave the money locally to plug the holes the JDF cancellation leave with local projects. But they donated not just locally/ We could for instance solicit for proposal from volunteer salmon projects across the entire island or event the entire BC coast to figure out where the money would be most needed and be the best bang for the buck. Kinda like the Pacific Salmon Foundation does.

2) We could ask George and Fred to collect and distribute the funds.

3) Or form a SFBC fundrasing committee to organize this.

Mind you, if you expect a tax receipt for your donation then the money needs to go directly to a registered charity. Setting a new charity org up involves a lot of bureaucracy. Not sure if you guys are up for that. Just keep that in mind. For me that's not a big deal. I will donate without the expectation of a tax receipt.
I feel it would be best to have the money go to JDF Derby as long as they will donate 100% to local enhancement and/or hatcheries. I hope it ends up being a decent amount raised. Who else is donating? No minimum. Anything will help.
If it is a donation from or on behalf of the Jaun de Fuca derby and a tax reciept issued, you can count me in for 1000.00.
If it's for the hatcheries tied through the JDF derby being canceled count me in for a 100 !! Great idea boys.
Some very generous donations offered so far.

I had some correspondense with George today and met with Ward.
George is heading out on a holiday tomorrow for 10 days so won't be available to talk until after he gets back but likes the ideas.

Ward is involved with Pacific Salmon Foundation and says that a donation can be made in the name of JDF Fishing Derby to PSF with a directive of what where the money should be spent. The PSF can issue tax receipt. (there may be a min $ for this? but $1000 gets you one for sure)
Some logistics to be worked out but thats the basics.
Once George is back and others interested pool their ideas we can see where other donations could come from and how best to put it all together.

Keep posting your commitments to donations and as more comes together we will figure out how to go forward.

Please be real about your donation commitments. Every bit helps but if you post it please be prepared to follow through.

Gotta go get ready for hali fishing tomorrow and others are busy getting ready for Sidney Derby so not much will happen for a day or two.

Oh ya, I'm in for $100

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Some very generous donations offered so far.

I had some correspondense with George today and met with Ward.
George is heading out on a holiday tomorrow for 10 days so won't be available to talk until after he gets back but likes the ideas.

Ward is involved with Pacific Salmon Foundation and says that a donation can be made in the name of JDF Fishing Derby to PSF with a directive of what where the money should be spent. The PSF can issue tax receipt. (there may be a min $ for this? but $1000 gets you one for sure)
Some logistics to be worked out but thats the basics.
Once George is back and others interested pool their ideas we can see where other donations could come from and how best to put it all together.

Keep posting your commitments to donations and as more comes together we will figure out how to go forward.

Please be real about your donation commitments. Every bit helps but if you post it please be prepared to follow through.

Gotta go get ready for hali fishing tomorrow and others are busy getting ready for Sidney Derby so not much will happen for a day or two.

Oh ya, I'm in for $100


Just let me know where and who to send the cheque to.

Bill Sorensen.
ROOK i agree that we are not the problem but the FN are made to seem like the good guys, look at some of the TV media where the FN say "we are willing to working with people", then you get the media saying the fisherman have stepped down and are not taking any more cuts......I COULDNT AGREE MORE THAT WE ARE NOT THE PROBLEM, but look at what people are seeing that dont fish. They make us look like the bad guys. I dont think we should get any more cuts, but we do look greedy in the average persons eyes.



But nothing will ever happen on that respect because they seem to have all the rights just like criminals seem to have more rights than their victims do. It's butt backwards but the desk jockeys run the show.
I strongly agree with including PSF in this effort, by way of the JDF Derby. The PSF is the best group for funding volunteer projects and they have always received donations from the JDF Derby. I only want to ensure that George and all the derby committee get to present this donation and get some recognition. Its a win win all round.