What Knot Do You Use?


Well-Known Member
Just curious as to what knots you guys use on your hooks. I use a palomar, used to use a clinch, but found the palomar pretty quick and easy to perfect. Only problem is I use fluorocarbon leader and apparently the palomar is bad for that and results in breaks, especially if the line is not parallel all the way through the knot as fluorocarbon cuts through itself when crossed, but so far haven't noticed that.

However, apparently that is only for smaller poundage test. Well...what's your go to knot and why?

I use braided so palomar is the only way to go for me..[8D]
I have not tried it on mono but the theory is sound if you do it correctly.
Palomar. It's the easiest to tie and least likely to fail in my experience. At first it was the only knot I could really count on. For hootchies I use two hooks and snell both. Seems I can get by just fine with a snell and a palomar. :)

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
Double palomar on braid.
Palomar on single trebles and bumper knots on dual hook setups or stinger hooks.

A few years back Seattle Boat Show had a knot testing machine which we tested the strength of different knots, with different people tying them. Uni-Knot won out over the Palomar, while tying with monofilament? I have been using it ever since. Unfortunately, I have had both fail! If time is not an issue I usually Snell the hooks. I have never had a Snell hook fail!

Knots are only as good as the person tying it! I would recommend you use the knot YOU</u> feel most comfortable with! A friend of mine uses the Palomar, as he can’t get a Uni-Knot to hold for some reason? So, for him that does make the Palomar the stronger! :)

Just my 2 cents!