Victoria reports - spring/summer 09

Hi Brian, no it was a red ...
with all this wind off Juan D, was thinking i'd try hali's again,
but 9 million doggies !! :(
Been a long time since I posted on this site, but it looks like the place to be for a Victoria fisherman. So it's time to get more active.

Anyway, I fished the breakwater on Tuesday morning, from a little before 6 til 10. Nothing happened. Saw about 6 other boats out there, and nothing happened for them either -not that I saw. Lots of active birds though.

Next time.
Ok 9 million doggies could be a slight exaggeration! 2 halis and 16 doggies.really. I was using herring. I know a lot of guys change over to plastic when the dogs move in , but I find I don't catch anything. Any tips out there for fishing artificials for Hali?
I catch 70% of my hali`s on a 6in Tomic spoon on a spreader bar... no scent...... I have out caught the other people in my boat most times when they are using bait... maybe just luck;)
this morning's catch off of albert head...


almost made it to work on time! :D
didn't have a scale, but i figured it was mid 20's for sure... it felt heavy!

caught it on a UV hootchie, stomach was full of little squid.
That is beautiful. I am going to try again maybe tomorrow, for sure saturday morning on the flats. I can't wait until it I get a pic like that!!
Well i went out again solo, and got skunked again. I have been setting my line (flasher)about 15 - 20ft from the ball. Do you guys think that is enough? Also, i am going to head out tomorrow morning again. Should i try earlier? I was thinking of going at 5am, but with a tide change at 930, not sure if it would help.
That should be good, the farther back you set the release clip the higher the gear will fish off the bottom.
If you want the terminal gear close to the bottom 20' is good.

Try a purple haze or pink haze squirt behind a green/glo or purple haze flasher. and fish 85-140' deep
if no bait showing on the sounder ,keep moving till you find it.
there is a real low tide this weekend, if you can fish an hour
before and after the tide that's usually best.
(hope i don't sound like DC Reid)

Good luck !
Thanks RS........again. I am leaving at 530, and i will be there till noonish. I have the gear you were mentioning, so i'll give it another go.
The OB flats were red hot today. No monsters, all teens but lots and consistent action. Not fuzzy, bait and lures, 100 - 120' right off the bottom. First time I fished the flats - was great fun, will be back!
Interesting. I am going to hit OB for my first time tomorrow AM. I was thinking the Gap because it is close and my boat is small, but I may have to wander out to the Flats :D. Only thing is, I don't really know where the Flats are. I guess just look for other boats.

Congrats on the good fishing today.
I was out at the flats and picked up an 18! My first spring finally, and i loved every minute of it. I was amazed at how strong these fish are. I fished from 600am till noon. Only the 1 hit, so not too hot for me, for i'll take, i'm still learning.
Thanks RS for all the tips you gave me. It was good to meet you at the launch.
whats the launch fee at cattle point? whats the easiest way to get there? i will be coming from sidney. Is it usually busy there? how is it on a low tide?

quote:Originally posted by twinwinds

whats the launch fee at cattle point? whats the easiest way to get there? i will be coming from sidney. Is it usually busy there? how is it on a low tide?


No launch dock either though. Watch the rocks on the left side as you go out (1st ramp). Head straight out!

Travel East on Hillside Ave until you hit Beach Drive, turn right and Cattle Point will be on your left after a few blocks. Ramp can be busy on weekends but generally not too bad.

Launching can be difficult if the tide is below 3 feet. The cement ramp turns into sand/mud so its difficult to get your boat off the trailer if its larger than 16 or 17 feet. 2nd ramp is good if the tide is at least 4 or 5 feet.

If you have a larger fiberglass boat, you may want to launch from Esquimalt Anglers and run over by water. Really low tides tomorrow morning...."zero" tide at 9:25 AM.