Victoria Reports 2015

Hi Chero,

Usually the winter months are slow on the flats , the bait doesn't seem to show up until April/May.
until that time we usually concentrate our efforts west of Trial.
Especially on the ebb when you get a nice backeddy off the island.
The waterfront is plagued with seals however and most guys end up losing 50%
The real guru is Barrie, he charter fished Oakbay for years.

Good luck !

Thanks Craven, that's good to know.

Just talk of a 15' off ocean shores..dont go in the water:)

Not a big surprise, quite a list of sharks in our waters
The link worked on my end. I wonder if there are going to be many of them showing up in the area this year. It would probably make the seals a little bit wary of just sitting along side the many boats waiting for them to catch a salmon for their dinner. They may stick a little closer to cover.
Wow. Great tides and wind this weekend for halibut. I,m on course this week, I can,t play and its killing me.
So fess up. Whats happening out there.
The truth is.... there are a lot of very large, hungry dogfish in our local waters.
we weeded through a dozen or so and ended up with a 50lb Halibut.
Slow day today for Hali. The only excitement was some guy (THE RODFATHER) dragging his anchor over my Scotsman. I'm 500m from the nearest boat and they decide to pull anchor (He already anchored on top of somebody else). Rather than pull into deep water, he drags the anchor up the reef and gets it stuck. He then decided to pull the Scotsman into the boat and tie the anchor line to the stern cleat (Bad Idea). His next bad idea was to drive 6 feet in front of my Scotsman (While his anchor is still down) and he hooks my anchor line. I unclipped my mainline to free myself as he started towing my boat. Somehow my line slipped off and I got my system back.

There were 3 guys on board and nobody had a clue. If you're a rookie, learn how to anchor properly from someone with experience. It's not worth losing your boat or killing somebody.
image.jpg40 and a 50 at the border yesterday.3 in their high 30's today off discovery amongst the armada. Threw one chicken back... And zero doggies:)
Was non-stop today.. Broke off a biggie just below the boat!
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The truth is.... there are a lot of very large, hungry dogfish in our local waters.
we weeded through a dozen or so and ended up with a 50lb Halibut.

We hooked at least 20 dogs with no halibut love. I'm a newbie at this though, I'll get it figured out soon. I hope. LOL
Victoria Reports 2015

Was able to sneak out for a couple hours Saturday and lots of action for springs by the tankers off esquimalt but no size.

Out east of constants this morning and had a chicken in the boat within an hour and switched over to salmon. Lost a nice one 5 minutes in...then an hour later boated a 16lb spring. I thought for sure it was wild when it first came to the boat and then screamed line out. It was sure nice to feel a good size salmon on the line. It was a hatch. We called it a great day and headed in by noon. Sandlance behind Peetz 7" flasher on the waterfront 170'. 10" herring in the belly...
Started fishing at Constance around 10:00, first Spring at 10:15. limited (4 between the two of us) by Noon. West side of the bank, 135-150' of water, fishing at 115'. Green and white coyote behind a green glow (no bananas?) flasher. 3 hatchery, 1 wild, all four fish on the same rig.
No. It was a 16ft double eagle. One of the worst pieces of driving I've ever seen (I thought I've seen it all).

Thanks for a heads up.. Will keep an eye out for that boat,jeez.scary.
guy at the dock here was remarking how annoying the freighter horns were all day ;)
Nice catch humpbubble,, a few nice hunks of meat there..