So Depressed new motor accident!

Saltwater Cowboy

Active Member
Well I just picked up my new to me 2004 Grady White Adventure and had a brand new yammy 8hp high thrust installed and run up to the front for key start, power tilt, throttle control etc.. Looked beautiful and I was taking ithome to go out tomorrow morning for the first time to do a little sea trial and break in the new kicker before trolling. So I got home and backed into my driveway which is up hill and small to say the least, I don;t store my boat at home only when I'm going out early the next day. So I proceded to back it up and what I din't reailze is that the motor is on a bigger bracket than my last boat so when I got to my stop point I had backed it up a foot to far and into the house, broke one hardy plank on the house which sucks but just a minor fix. I didn't even know it had happened till I walked out and saw first hand, first I saw the house then I looked at the kicker and it was all scuffed to hell with house paint all over the cowling but the worst part is the part of the kicker that's mounted to the bracket in the front broke completely off and the kicker was hanging by the power tilt only!!!!!!!!! FUUUUUUUU..........dge. So as you can imagine I could have cried, screamed, and passed out all at once!! The one time I didn't tilt the kicker all the way down and it bites me in the butt! NOw does anyone have a clue as to what Parker marine is going to charge me to get the new parts and fix it?? I don;t know terminology of motors but it's the part that attaches to the bracket and runs doen the front of the motor to about a foot from the prop. Is this a huge job? Expensive to replace this large part??? If I knew how to post pics I would show you but I don't. Any help?? I just paid $8,100 for the kicker, bracket, dual binnacle, tie bae system, kicker lock, trailer light, downrigger installation, labour and parts. So needless to say is a very expensive day!

Ouch, that hurts. Years back, my brand new 50 4-stroke went over a fricken huge log on it's maiden voyage so I feel for you. Never saw the thing as it was just under the surface in a following sea in Muchalat Inlet. Is it insured, might be worth it to make a claim. S*^# happens, sorry to hear that.
Hey SeaWolf, get to bed, you have 4 days of fishing ahead of you :D Anonymous
SWC . Sorry to here about that. No one was hurt, that’s the main thing. I have heard of that part breaking. Some people replace some weld. Don’t know how much but should be reasonable. GLG
that feeling you had is the same one I had when I blew up my 225 opti on its maiden voyage. Oil tank was full of water,doesnt make a good lubricant.The real kick in the a$$ is I didn't insure it yet because it was just a test run and LA marine said that insurance would have covered it
I feel for you SC.I had a simliar thing happen.My stop point was a 4x4 8 ft long, my daughter thought that she would help her dad and move the wood out of the way.My wife saw her fighting with the wood and replaced it about a foot short and I backed the boat in to the camper and almost off the jacks.Had to remount all the jacks.Scratched the kicker all to hell.I know that it doesn't help but you are not alone.Like Slabby said try the insurance claim thats why we pay for it.
Man! It must be like a bad cold !! My buddy did THE EXACT SAME THING last weekend.9.9 Yamaha right into the garage wall !! He got off lucky ,no motor damage ,just popped a cedar board. ALL BOATERS BEWARE check your kickers before putting the boat to bed !!! Good luck SWC.
SC I hear ya loud and clear. Did the same thing myself. Only bent the ss ring on the kicker though. Definetly go through insurance.... $500 deductible is a lot better than not having the insurance.
Oh the stories we have---- hit a deadhead back in april, tore off the whole lower end of my Merc 115 $5400 clams for that one, it only hurt though to write a $250 insurance cheque. Nice new shinny bottom section and 2 weeks later hit a rock formation in a bay that i always go into. [:eek:)][:eek:)][:eek:)]what a smuck, even marked it on gps, but at least it only broke part of the skage and a BIG scratch in the gear housing. How much does golf cost?????


is this the part that broke ?? Havent got the bill yet but I did get it welded.

is this the part that broke ?? Havent got the bill yet but I did get it welded.
Those are nasty stories! And here I was feeling sorry for myself after dropping my $100 leatherman in the ocean!

I don't feel so bad paying my annual boat insurance premiums now.
Man the ocean is greedy this year. I am short 1 digital camera and a sweet new fish'n knife. Let alone sacrificial gear but thats to be expected. Insurance is good. What does a years worth run a guy with a boat like that grady ?