Slow fishing in prince rupert


Up in rupert fishing since saturday fishing has been slow hit a few but all smaller ... anyone having any better luck up this way .. limited out of hali and lings and rock fish just need some salmon.
A friend of mine guides out of Rupert and has been hitting salmon for the past couple of weeks. I have seen huge numers or many hogs yet but they should be around soon. Where about have you been trying? I'd imagine that up around Dundas should be good right about now but having said that, a friend fished The Work last weekend and couldn't find any salmon either.
A friend of mine guides out of Rupert and has been hitting salmon for the past couple of weeks. I have seen huge numers or many hogs yet but they should be around soon. Where about have you been trying? I'd imagine that up around Dundas should be good right about now but having said that, a friend fished The Work last weekend and couldn't find any salmon either.
Thanks been fishing dundas ans squataree also edsy pass and humpack getting a fish here n there
try fishing in real close to shore. right around smith island in really tight can be good. when I say close I mean less than 50 feet of water. I'll sometimes fish in 25' of water with the rigger at 20...usually less than 50 feet to shore. medium to large plug cut herring and no flasher. the salmon tend to hug the shore on alot of the islands and shores on the way to the rivers (once they start to get close to the rivers). that can sometimes make the difference.
also try working needle-fish jigs along some of the rock faces in 100' of water.... change it up a bit from trolling. there's a good wall just south of the entrance to the work channel. drift along it and work the jigs on the bottom. you have to work them hard. lots of quick jerking movement up then let the jigs flutter down on slack line... the faster and harder the jerks the better the results will be...