Scotty Downrigger 1106 Issue (auto brake engage)


Well-Known Member
One of my Scotty 1106 DR's has been acting up intermittently. When I dial on the retrieval switch, it comes up fine. When the bead hits the sensor, sometimes the auto brake function does not engage and the ball starts free falling . Not sure what the issue is. Any insights would be appreciated so I can target the correct solution.
It's probably the the break handle spring. It has most likely broken and not doing its job.
One of my Scotty 1106 DR's has been acting up intermittently. When I dial on the retrieval switch, it comes up fine. When the bead hits the sensor, sometimes the auto brake function does not engage and the ball starts free falling . Not sure what the issue is. Any insights would be appreciated so I can target the correct solution.
Pescador I have had this same problem several times. Your spring may be fine and the problem will be worn out brake pads that are shiny and smooth. If you want to service yourself the brake pads can be flipped over instead of replacing them. Also ensure that you clean the stainless plates when you disassemble/reassemble. You set the tension with the lower 5/16 nut. Set the brake so that you can pull the line out when the brake is engaged (it should take a strong pull to do so).

One of my Scotty 1106 DR's has been acting up intermittently. When I dial on the retrieval switch, it comes up fine. When the bead hits the sensor, sometimes the auto brake function does not engage and the ball starts free falling . Not sure what the issue is. Any insights would be appreciated so I can target the correct solution.

Just had the same problem earlier this year. If you take your riggers apart, you will find 3 brake pads underneath the handle. After years of use they loose their grit and stopping ability. You can flip them over and you will be gold. Also use some sand paper to score the pads as well.
Just remember to put the spring in the same location when putting it back together. Set your tension to 45 lbs for 15 lb cannons.
Thanks again. I looked on Scotty's site and found their youtube video which shows exactly you're saying. Appreciate it guys. I guess I'll do all three riggers now that I know how easy it is.
Just out of pure curiosity, what ended up being the problem?
I took it in to Scotty and they fixed it. They said the spring was broken and the pads needed cleaning