Scotty Auto stop not auto stopping?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, noob question here.
I bought my first boat (yay!) and with it a pair of Scotty electric downriggers ( also yay!) with rusted cable.
Replacing the cable was easy enough and getting the terminal tackle attached wasn't difficult either, but when I put the autostop bead onto the cable a ways up and give it a try, the bead goes through the switch and doesn't trigger the auto shut off. The bead gets sucked into the spool and the terminal tackle bumps into the pulley.

I haven't used the Downrigger with a cannonball on it yet, so not sure if that's the issue, if there's weight/tension required or not.

Any advice would be helpful. Thanks a lot! These are way better than the manual Penns I've used until now
First off are they new riggers or used if new I would guess is it's because you have no weight on it,, the tabs will just run by the switch and not move it. If this doesn't work see if the switch is working or not. Are the wires hooked up or do they have a crack in them. If the wires are hooked up. If that all looks good pull out a bunch of cable, turn the dial on and as its retreiving just bump the switch with small screw driver or something to see if it's working. If the switch is moving into place and not kicking out you will have to replace the switch.
Using the green button, if it shuts off when you release the button the wiring is connected correctly. Open the top cover, and remove the drive belt, (take a picture first so you can remember how it goes on). Now the motor will turn but the line won't come in. Turn the motor on by rotating the switch clockwise and then letting go. You should now hear and see the motor under the cover turning. Use a small screwdriver to move the area that the line moves through the switch toward the top side. It should not take much pressure or movement, but you should be able to move it up. The motor should stop, Do this several times as there could be a build up of salt or other duff preventing the movement.
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I would try that with some weight in the cable........not the cable just by itself...

Also:-.....the auto stop unit is somewhat can slide a bit in or out for better contact. (At least it does on mine).

If for some reason it was ever adjusted so that it is too far back, then the bead won't trigger it....

But put a ball on it and try it that way first.....
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put tension on the cable to test. Don't leave your hand on the switch. the switch is designed to travel on the line the bulk of the locator will hit the gate switch to turn off the motor.

good luck
scotty switch

put tension on the cable to test. Don't leave your hand on the switch. the switch is designed to travel on the line the bulk of the locator will hit the gate switch to turn off the motor.

good luck
Thanks for the responses guys!
The downriggers are used, but recently serviced as the wiring and mechanisms look complete and clean.

The green jog button works perfectly, so I will follow your suggestions of putting weight on it, and if that doesn't work I'll bring them into to a shop.

Yep....and remember what Vanisland said:

Autostop only works when the dial on the unit is set to "auto"....

If it is not on "auto"...and you are jogging with your finger by holding the button down...then it will not work.....
Got that part, thanks VI and Seafever. Will update when I get to the boat this evening to tinker.
Yup. Just needed to add some weight on the end and the stop-beads worked like they said on the box. Now, to fishing!