Road to Bamfield?



How bad is the road to tow a 18 foot boat into Bamfield? Is it ok if a guy just takes their time and takes it easy? Or is it hell either way? How many kilometers of logging road?
the road thru lake cowichian is never good ,potholes/rocks etc,if you have bunks ,lot beter then rollers,if the lower flora lke line open with no active logging is is the best way to go ,make sure you belly strap your boat also ,if roller trailer we have shoved plywood between rollers to stop rollers from punching the hull ,we have gonr alberni canal from port alberni takes about a 1/12 early morning before wind comes up ,same coming home as wind is up by about noon.only time the bamfield rd is barely passable when they are active logging the area,then you have to watch for logging trks with 14 bunks ? doing the the pt alberni waay we would leave here about 3.30 am ,then on the water by about 6/30 am ,great launhing at pt alberni ,not china creek to busy no place to leave your rig?
X2 fore sure. launch your boat in Port and run up the canal.that road has claimed many a boat.including me Brother in-laws that burned to an unrecognizable heap from shorting batteries and gas fumes. Always keep a good eye for logs in the canal.

No place I would rather be (FISH ON)
most of the road with the exception from shaw to nixon-ish was grated today or yesterday, it was GREAT (i drove around the lake this evening).

Like others have posted launch in Port and drive your boat out. I used to do it for a few years and it's alot faster (depending on your boat) than driving and better on your boat/truck/you to boot:)

It's approx on average an hour by boat. I used to make in about 45 min. in ideal water conditions and the hammer down.

"I'm not talkin bout pleasure boatin or day sailin......I'm talkin bout workin for a livin"- Captain Quint