Rally Against DFO In Planning For July Long Weekend

I appreciate your Passion Stizzla. We do need those younger to pass the Torch to and it is always a small dedicated few who carry the load for a great many and demonstrate leadership quality. I think you have that, but it is also a learning process. I hope you can make the Meeting tonight at the Prestige Hotel in Sooke at 7:00 pm. I have been through a number of fishery battles over the years and held picket signs outside MP constituency offices etc. My age and chemo drugs definitely slow me down now. We have won some of those battles over the years to various degrees and in some cases have limited or at least slowed further damage to our fishery. I hope you will stay involved.

For those who say nothing has worked and that nothing is being done, that is just not accurate. The dedicated few are even now working behind the scenes and not everything is talked about in public forms. We are lucky that this time we are going into a Federal Election in 2019. We used that very effectively during the Halibut Quota Wars and got a not insignificant concession out of the Harper Government.

My own view is that we are not going to reverse all of these recent attacks on small coastal communities, our economy and the opportunity to teach our children to fish, especially in the short term. We can I believe tweek them, if we make the Liberal Federal Government nervous. There are many ways we can do that which worked well in the past going into an election. We need to take them on in their riding's and energize our base in smaller communities all over the province, especially in the coastal communities. The NGO's are powerful and the Liberals are placating them by the recent attacks on coastal BC. Remember that the NGO's and the urban elites who support them are largely based in Vancouver and Victoria. We do not need to engage and go up against their strength directly. That does not mean that we cannot threaten the Liberal seats in those areas. Some of those Liberal seats were won by narrow margins. Our strengths is numbers and even in the lower mainland we have many who were harmed by this Liberal attack. We need to organize,, motivate and get out those voters and some of those Liberal seats are gone.

Hope you make it to the meeting tonight Stizzla and perhaps you would like to go out on my boat off Sooke sometime this summer and toss around some ideas.

PS I have noted a lot of DFO bashing in this and other related threads and I have done it myself in the past. I would suggest that we decrease doing that on this issue as it just insulates their bosses the Liberal Government from direct criticism and decreases their nervousness. On this issue we should direct our anger and criticism where it belongs and more importantly where it will do the most good. The message should be - If the liberal Government, does not support sport fishing, our quality of life and the economy of Coastal BC, we are going to do everything we can to harm your election chances everywhere we can. We will single issue vote and it will be anyone but a Liberal and perhaps the Greens. I don't think we can afford a protest vote for the Greens this time around.
Thanks for voicing your experience, rockfish. I would love to get out with you in Sooke and exchange some thoughts and ideas and hopefully play some nice fish!
I’m glad there is a meeting with the SVIAC tonight. I have an important prior engagement of my own tonight, so I will not be able to attend, but I look forward to hearing of the ideas that are presented. I just hope the most important issues causing salmon endangerment are covered and it’s not all about the whale watching boats, because I don’t honestly believe they are doing any more damage than we are. (Which is not much)
It’s clear, as you have said, that not all of these issues are going to be resolved, so it is important that we also discuss ideas to increase salmon hatchery programs.
I would happily pay $99 per year for a saltwater licence if the extra amount went directly to hatcheries. (I pay more than that into hatcheries as it is) Times that by 20,000 licenses and we will put over $1,000,000 a year into increasing the amount of fish in the sea.
You know how deeply an issue is held with someone by the lengths they will go to in support of that cause.

The policy makers know this. They are always looking for the path of least resistance, not the ideal solution.
the amount of traffic going in and out of the harbour is staggering!!!! boats planes tugs barges sail boats clipper coho it would be a nightmare!!!
........................................We will single issue vote and it will be anyone but a Liberal and perhaps the Greens. I don't think we can afford a protest vote for the Greens this time around.

I find it very odd that so much criticism (and sometimes vitriol) is being leveled at the Greens and some of the environmental groups such as Georgia Strait Alliance, West Coast Environmental Law etc., on this forum.

All these groups are on our side. They continue to fight very hard against the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion (one major tanker disaster in the JDF makes all this discussion moot). Ditto in their implacable opposition to the open net pen fish feed lots. (There are multiple rallies against fish feed lots at MLA offices on June 13th).

The DFO has screwed up in attempting to protect the whales. That is not the direct fault of some of our would-be allies.

Please think carefully over who are your allies and who is not. Environmental politics and these multiple overlapping issues are very complicated!!
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I say leave the hooks on and fish where ever you like. Tell the Dfo when you are confronted that they ignored the sportfishing community while making the new regs so we are ignoring the Dfo while they try to enforce them.

Except we are all responsible rule following sportsfishers. I agree with a protest. Something organized and high profile.
Yes, I have read it.

All I am saying, if you follow the logic of some people on here, then Alexandra Morton must be an "enemy" too. She has used West Coast Environment Law and Ecojustice (who wrote the the paper you quoted above) in her on-going multi-year fight against the salmon feed lots. She is supported by other NGO's as well.

In the shifting sands of politics and the multiple overlapping issues that affect our fish and our fishing it is not black and white. Declaring "war"against anyone who, rightly or wrongly, is trying to protect the whales just fragments and divides many people and organisations who ultimately have the same goals as we do.

I.E. A clean, protected environment with fully restored, healthy salmon runs for whales and people.
All these groups are on our side. They continue to fight very hard against the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion (one major tanker disaster in the JDF makes all this discussion moot).

I see you've been swept up in their emotional fear based argument too.

Protesting DFO is cute, and its never a bad idea to get out there and wave some signs. But really, we all know it won't accomplish much.

... issues that affect our fish and our fishing it is not black and white.

There are multiple things to consider, and there is no one smoking gun that has 'caused' the decline in salmon stocks. I personally think efforts are better spent raising awareness on social media and challenging the emotional based arguments these 'save the whale' groups are using. These groups have controlled the narrative for too long and too many people believe their agenda is a good one.
I see you've been swept up in their emotional fear based argument too.

Protesting DFO is cute, and its never a bad idea to get out there and wave some signs. But really, we all know it won't accomplish much.

There are multiple things to consider, and there is no one smoking gun that has 'caused' the decline in salmon stocks. I personally think efforts are better spent raising awareness on social media and challenging the emotional based arguments these 'save the whale' groups are using. These groups have controlled the narrative for too long and too many people believe their agenda is a good one.

Could not agree more. The SRKW closures affecting only the rec fishery are a direct result of well managed social media campaigns. It is clear that this Liberal Gov't is going to go in whatever direction the social media winds blow. If we want to get things done, protesting won't hurt, but frankly without a well managed social media campaign it will GO NOWHERE.

I'm sure most people on here have a social media account - why not start using it to promote your views on these issues and encourage others on your web of friends to do the same? A social movement that goes viral is a sure fire way to get more attention with the Liberals than a protest of a DFO office. Pretty naive approach actually to think that protests alone will turn the tide.

Rather than organize emergency meetings about meetings, lets actually start doing something to raise the cash necessary to hire a professional social media expert to better position our issues? AND, I should add that we need a well positioned carefully crafted set of key messages. If we have meetings or protests with a bunch of ranting off colour commentary that sort of protestation only serves to severely hurt us, no matter how well intentioned.
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Great idea! social media... Do it! Protest... do it!
Bring attention from all angles possible.
If you have it, go on twitter, Facebook and or Instagram and tell the story. A protest may also help cover those CBC news watching grey hairs, that don’t have the interweb, but still vote.
The government wants to look good for the next election so if enough Awareness is raised, they may want to at least offer some improvements to please potential voters.
AND, I should add that we need a well positioned carefully crafted set of key messages

1) Recreational fishing is low impact.
2) Recreational fishing supports local economies.
3) Recreational anglers are stewards of the resource and donate time and money to support salmon.
Those are great messages, couple of more:

Recreational Salmon Fishery Drives Strong Economic Benefits to Canada:

GDP = $219.1 million contribution from rec fishery

Workers employed = 3,580

Household Income = $143.1 million

Taxation = $60 million

This is a substantial economic shift – the recreational fishery has eclipsed the commercial sector

Economic Perspective from PSF Report:

* Total expenditures in BC related to recreational salmon angling were $183.2 million

Top 3 Recreational Salmon Fishery Benefits in Direct Supplier Benefits (businesses that prosper from the fishery)

1. Accommodation & Food $83.5 million

2. Manufacturing $67.2 million

3. Transportation/warehousing $41.6 million

Top 3 Employment Generation benefits related to fishery

1. Accommodation & Food Services 1,344 jobs

2. Manufacturing 303

3. Transportation/warehousing 293

Report Conclusions:

· Charter operations drive significant economic benefits in coastal communities

· Anglers who travelled to BC in excess of 80 km, contributed $101 million to BC’s GDP in 2011

** These are benefits to small coastal communities in BC that depend heavily on recreational fishing to support working families

We need to work hard to pull together fact based positive messages that help the public of Canada understand the recreational fishery value. The rec fishery is under attack because we have done a POOR job helping urban green minded social activists understand the "positive" contributions, and low impact (thanks Che) of our fishery.

We have to be very careful to ensure when we host these meetings and protests to have thoughtful key value proposition messages. A few ugly comments can ruin the whole effort. One low cost thing everyone here can do right now is start posting these facts in social media. Tap into large social media networks - reach out to elected officials with positive facts, not harmful rhetorical off-colour comments. Highly recommend that before we host any events, that there is an organizational pre-meet to hand out the key messages, and help build awareness of how a few poorly placed comments can turn into social media nightmares for our effort.