Pulled over by the cops.

Yesterday at around 11 am. I was running the boat past the bluffs in Sooke on my way to fish Otter point. I then heard a siren from behind me. Look to see and it’s the police. No fisheries officer no Coast guard just two cops in yellow jackets in a nice new rigid hull inflatable. I am a resident of Sooke and have fished its waters regularly for 12 years and this is a first. They signaled me to stop, came along side and asked me for my boat registration and transport Canada certification, as I have a commercial licensed vessel. I produced the registration but had to explain the boat and safety gear all had already passed inspection by Transport Canada. but I did not have my MED3 course passed as of yet and it was the only thing left to do to. I also had to produce my radio operator license and show them the safety gear.

They saw a full case of beer up on the cuddy floor and mentioned that the same rules apply on the water as on the road if they smell it on your person or see open cans or bottles they have the cause needed to request a breathalyzer. The officer had one foot on my gunnel and kept looking around to see in the cuddy I think if he had seen an open beer he would have had enough reason to board us.

It was a short encounter and they did not board my boat. I hated every minute of it, I always feel so bloody guilty even though I haven’t done a thing wrong. I thought what cause did they have to pull me over in the first place??
That's funny two decade ago, my dad and I fished at Coleman Creek Wall in Alberni Inlet. Very calm water with sunshine, no boats around. A double eagle speedboat with canadian flag ran straight to Bilton Point, somehow, turned around, straight towards us. I figured there was a trouble.Oh...RCMP on the boat! They asked us if we had lifejackets, we told them yes. They left.

My dad got something on his jigging rod, caught and released a big bucketmouth lingcod. what a luck!
You no longer require the MED A3 this year. It is not mandatory until April 2008. I found out the deadline had been moved when I took the course earlier this year.
You do require ROC, "C" numbers and Transport Canada inspection.

Were they fairly reasonable?
Were they specific about the drinking laws? Is it the operator they are concerned about or everyone on board? Specifically can your guests have a beer?

Funny how we all get nervous when pulled over even when we are not doing anything wrong.

Sounds like they were very profesional, just like at a traffic stop, they are looking around to make sure everything is ok. There is no reason not to follow the rules on the water like the rules on the road, and I imagine that since this is the first year of mandatory marine laws being enforced, there will be more of this to come.
Been there done That! Got the t-shirt and don't like wearing it. It is the END of our last freedom. The rules/regs have been in place for a long time they are just beginning to enforce them. I felt like a criminal as well last time. I looked into it ,they are allowed to stop and board us at any time and under any circumstance,all in the name of Safety. So all I can recommend is to be careful and follow the rules.. check the 'Boater Safety' requirements for your application and know how to use them (radios,flares,extinguishers,licences, etc). Remember they are only doing their job. Treat them with respect and as well as you'd expect to be treated if it was the other way around. Good Luck and Good fishing!:D
Ps, I wouldn't have any liquor open and in plain view when they are around.period. They have 'cards up their sleeves' and lots of power to deal them.;)
I have been checked by RCMP & fisheries.
they both have the right to board you, and or fine you for
lack of safety equipment or fisheries violations.
im my experience, as long as you are cooperative and have
the right equipment, no problem.
that being said, i'm always nervous when they are snooping about.:(
I still don’t like the “Unreasonable search and seizure” aspect of this. Sounds to me like they were “trolling” of a different kind and that’s illegal.
I suppose it wont be long before we start seeing "waterchecks" in the harbours.Six RCMP inflatables and a bunch of flares on buoys.
The sobriety tests will be a *****
Everyone should follow the rules. In fact, having the cops around may be a good idea given some of the stuff that goes on.

But just out of interest, you think the cops have the right to board your boat for no particular reason and at any time?
Absolutely not.In the name of safety we have had our personal rights and freedoms slowly stripped from us.As long as the actions of a few dictate the policy of law enforcement we will continue losing these rights until we have none left.I believe we can live and abide by these laws,without the need of an invasive search policy.
Police ourselves,and report dangerous and illegal activities.The more we do,the less steps the authorities need to take,as the ones dictating policy do not seem to get the big picture.
Whew,sorry for the rant.How about dock monitors?If you do not comply,you do not get to go out.