Prawning Brentwood bay?

No, not an annual limit Yammy5, but yes a possession limit in the generally accepted meaning of the word. If one's possession, in the freezer or otherwise, drops below the 2 day limit then it could be topped-off to the 2 day limit until the annual limit is reached. As there is no 'annual limit' for prawns, the 'sport' fisherman could maintain a 400 prawn cache 'ad infinitum'.

Of course, I don't agree with there not being a reasonable annual limit on any sport fish. By 'reasonable' I mean a number that the average sport fisherman will have to work at to achieve. I see, however, the same 'sport' prawners taking home limits morning and afternoon, day in and day out, all year long. A couple of them must have many hundreds stashed away or maybe they eat them 3-times a day? Up until reading this thread, I had in mind that this was not legal:(. It goes to show that without restrictions, it is the nature of some humans to push 'reasonable' to the limit and far beyond. See comments on the Alberni sockeye fishery as another example.


Yeah I understand Tom, it makes sense to have well defined (scientifically based) annual limits to help preserve fish and shellfish populations. It's a challenge that fisheries is going to have to focus on but history predicts they are incapable of such common sense. 'And after fishing springs alongside a seine boat in Sooke this year I have some pretty low expectations...
I dont think its a large majority of Prawners who cap out limits each day for days on End, The people I know who prawn do the same thing we do, go out for a day, drop 4-5 traps 1 - 2 times, sit on the boat and drink and do a little rock fishing, Id be more concerned if the majority were raping the sea, but I dont see it like that, I see it as a casual sport with a tasty pay-off.

Not saying there isnt a bunch of Prawn rapers out there, but most people are out for dinner or dinner for 2 families, not Max limits until there freezer explodes with prawn...

Just my 2 cents <3


. Subareas 17-5, 17-6, and 17-9 (Stuart Channel);
2. Subareas 19-7 to 19-12 inclusive (Saanich Inlet);
3. Subareas 23-1 to 23-3 inclusive (Alberni Canal).

These areas will be closed for the following periods:

- from 00:01 hours Sept. 4 until 23:59 hours Sept. 15, 2007
- from 00:01 hours Oct. 1 until 23:59 hours Oct. 15, 2007
- from 00:01 hours Nov. 1 until 23:59 hours Nov. 15, 2007
- from 00:01 hours Dec. 1 until 23:59 hours Dec. 15, 2007

This permits recreational prawn fishing to continue in the last 2 weeks of each
of Sept., Oct. and Nov. A decision about openings in these areas from Dec. 15
through the remainder of the winter will be announced in early December.