Prawn traps?


Active Member
Which traps do you think fish better? commercial round style trap? or i was going to try a couple larger style square metal traps?
Any ideas?thoughts?
If you do a bit of a search on this forum.....the "round vs square" debate for both crab and prawn traps is about as old and discussed as "what came first; the chicken or the egg?". ;)

I will just give my opinion from experience.....round traps for both prawns and crabs.
diddo I use round ones for both. the commercial crabbers only use round ones because in the case of crab they say the round ones they ( the crabs) will keep walking aroung until they find a tunnel as for the square one they keep going and don't make the turn. as for prawns the commercial ones stake so nice inside each other therfore taking up less room . you don't see commercial prawners using square one ( when in rome do as the romans)