Prawn Bait

That's good news,hambone. A couple/few more months and Saanich Inlet should be back to normal.They're usually a
little smaller in the fall but still worth the effort.
Islander 55 -ace of baits is just repackaging commercial prawn bait. Shar-kar is much cheaper and even PNT would be cheaper per lb than that. Perhaps if the commercial stuff is too much(quantity) you could split a bag with a buddy. Their prawn scents are good -but again pretty expensive-you could add a can or 2 of carlyle cat food if you think your pellets need a boost or even a shot of alaska fish fertilizer. Save your money for boat gas-you'll need it.
Last year I ran out of prawn scent so I put some old roe in a blender with the cheapest canola oil money can buy and it was great! Looked like Peptobismol so thats what we were calling it LMAO. Word was spreading through the grapevine and guys were asking me if I was really using pepto is my bait cups lol