p.a. derby

Hybrids between chinook and coho do exist. However, my question still remains...who told you it was a hybrid and by what method did they use to determine that is was indeed. As Nog stated, determine simply by the way it looks is NOT definitive. One could remove the pyloric caeca and count it as the counts are significantly different for both species but I am doubtful that happened?
Yup, we kept 3 springs all under the 77cm regs. We allso caught a 13 1/2 lb coho that had us excited untill we were told it was a hybred

I sincerely apologize, I didn't realize you were fishing the sound and not the inlet. Its not a hydrid, that's crazy talk.
It had the head of a coho,mouth of a spring,body of a coho and tail of a spring.It wasn't opened up and a count wasn't done. We were in bamfield and didn't want to run it to Port, I'll check to see if we have any pics of it
Sounds like a small mature male spring. They can look a bit odd when they get ripe. We had one a few days ago like that, I didn't snap any pics but it had whitish gums in areas even though it was 100% chinook.
Were most of the biggy Coho (derby winners) caught up front towards Port?......or did they come from farther out near the boundary?
I think it was a success just by the drive by we did going up to the West Coast and back. Both days were major traffic jams and waits (yes, traffic jams in Port Alberni lol). I was drooling on the ride home on Monday with the smells coming from the massive BBQ they put on every year. Kudos to those that put the event on and kudos to those that attended :cool:. Through thick and thin the town of Port Alberni always pulls it off. I took exceptional notice to the good looking scenery wondering around ;).
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Actually, a friend of mine was in second place for quite a while on saturday but was disqualified for being a hybred. They had to cut it open to check,when we talked to him on sunday he still thought he won 2nd or 3rd. No body had notified him. Another note,I just read that the derby is on life support for next year.Rising costs,smaller returns,less participants... may finally shut this once great derby down.Will be a sad sad day for me.Growing up in Port Alberni I have alot of great memories fishing this derby with my dad
Thanks for sharing High Five! them picks of the old days are awesome, i hope PA can hold on to the long tradition of the derby.