P.A. Derby Moved?


Well-Known Member
Not at Clutesi Haven this year but over the other end of town by the Quay?

Sounds like parking will be tight...
There is way more parking where it will held now and clutesi shouldn't be as bad as it has been derby weekend in years past. But only time will tell I guess lol
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I don't see where all the parking at the bottom of Argyle St. is really....

But there's no ramp there except the small-boat one laner. So people would still be taking the boat out at Clutesi and then hauling over to the other place I guess.
The old mill parking lot right behind tyee landing has a lot more parking then clutesi for vehicles and for boats there is the harbour quay, the new fuel dock at tyee landing and there is the government dock. I would assume you'd launch at clutesi and then swing in on the boat to weigh in your catch on the way back to clutesi. But this is the first year so I'm not certain how it will be set up. But as far as I'm concerned the parking for vehicles and boats should be better or atleast I hope lol
Ah...right. I heard Somass mill was shutting it's doors forever. This the parking lot you mean?

That new fuel dock must be the one that I saw sticking way out in the water, out front close to the mill.

So that parking lot is where the festivities (salmon cookouts, booths etc) will be?
The new place for the derby is called "tyee landing" it's between harbour quay and the somass mill. I like the new spot, way more parking and a lot more boat parking when you want to weigh in a fish

Yeah we checked it out a couple of weeks ago. Really nice addition to the water front down there :cool:. It should be a great place for the festival and hopefully clears up some of the bottleneck traffic at the bridge and cross walk during the weekend.