Other groups being aliented and outraged by the feds. Need suggestions.

Osama Bin Hopper

Active Member
So I know that there are other groups out there, doing some brainstorming and would like help from you guys.

Being in Bamfield and not having a TV I tend to stay somewhat disconnected about things unless they effect me directly.

Throw them out there for me.
Aw geez sorry! I shoulda put it here, need to take the time to read more threads.
(edited to add)

Consider the mining industry and placer mining in particular. Small placer miners are monstrously hogtied by the DFO, effectively keeping them unable to work at was once and could be a very large employer and source of revenue to numerous communities. All the while major mining corporations that are often offshore based send our money away.
The small logging industry is another such victim.
So it would make sense IMO to hook up with other victims thus adding many thousands more voices to the ears of those who seem to be hard of hearing.

I will forward this to some mining forums, here is my contribution for what it is worth but i know many of our members are fishermen!

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I will do some brainstorming on my end about this.

On a side note about all of this....and perhaps the idea of social media and getting the word out about the WHOLE issue is something we need to look at.

I really think that someone, somewhere has to take this into social media to spread the word beyond letters to ministers and media reports that people just don't understand what is going on or care to read.

To someone flipping through the newspaper, or reading the news online or even watching the news; they likely won't read, pay attention to or even understand where the 'bigger' issues are in this. This isn't JUST about halibut and what is being perceived as a battle between sporties/rec vs commercial guys; this has to do with Gov't policy and the privatization of a resource that belongs to all Canadians. That right there is what will get more people behind this who don't fish or so much give a rat's butt about a dispute between a few interest groups in British Columbia.

Let me just give an example where the word is being missed. I was at a dinner last night and 4 of the folks I fish in Kyuquot with were there; they all LOVE fishing but they take it for what it is and don't necessarily look at what is happening "behind the scenes" that may affect their fishing. These are all people who are very affluential in the Vancouver business scene etc but they were completely clueless as to the issue at hand until I mentioned it to them last night. Well suffice it to say there are letters being sent today......and a phone call being made to one of our more visible MLA's in the media right now. I realize this is a "Federal" issue but getting MLA's in BC taking up the cause can do nothing bad in my opinion.

A Facebook page that can be shared around with some GREAT content on it such as many of the very well educated opinions/comments on this forum would be invaluable.

Fawk.....if a Facebook campaign can get Betty White on Saturday Night Live....maybe we can do something for our cause as it certainly won't hurt the cause. ;)