Neat Wolf Pic

You just dont get it englishman im done with this carry on and enjoy your season....
Here is a scene I came across about 10 years ago, Mother Nature at her finest.

I do enjoy seeing wolves in the wild and their calling at sunset it something that will stay with you forever. I have also had them at 25 yards, more than once and you do not forget that either, all three are now rugs.......There is a place in all ecosystems for wolves, but sometimes there is an unbalance and that unbalance needs to be fixed, and not just becasue I want to put some of the best meat in the world in my freezer and on the table, but because I want my kids and grandkids to be able to enjoy what I have experience, seen and tasted for years to come. We need predator control that is based on science, not emotions of yuppies from the biggest clearcut in BC and the uninformed who just read BS on the net (it must be true is it is on the interweb).

rightnow there is, in some location, an imbalance. Moose populations are crashing across Canada and the US right now, there is studies being done to determine why and right now their is lots of suggestions and ideas, but nothing is concrete. Unregulated hunting (poaching, night hunting and hunting by folks who do not have to follow rules), preds who have learned to target calves (mostly Grizz and Black bears0, wolves in certain areas and the introduction of Brainworm by Whitetail deer are all being looked at. Our Mt caribou are being decimated by wolves right now and we are is serious danger of losing herds in the south central part of the province. Bio have been screaming for a wolf kill to help, but so far, emotions are running our wildlife stratagies, much more so that science. I do find it funny that the same people on here who use emotions as a way of justifying saving the wolf are usually the same who are screaming about using science for our can only pick one and so far, emotions will always lose.

For all you, here is the BC action plan for wolves here in BC


Here is a scene I came across about 10 years ago, Mother Nature at her finest.

Hey...I saw that Disney film, the wolves where just trying to help that moose find its calf!
Everything is cyclical, nature takes care of imbalances we just don't have the patience. Moose population gets low, predators move, population comes back it just doesn't happen overnight. I highly doubt wolves and bears targeting calves is anything new, pretty sure going after the weak and injured has been SOP for about a million years. Every time we intervene we make a mess, think about what we've learned about fires the last 50 years. I don't believe in killing anything you're not gonna eat, from squirrels to the largest ungulates. Not a yuppie grew up eating moose, deer and fish in Northern BC.
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You might want to watch the documentary on how they re-introduced bears to the Alps....and all the negative issues locals are having with that.

As far as religion goes (this , of course won't apply to you seeing as how you consider anything written in the Bible to be "bunk") God gave mankind domain over the animals and ,as stewards, the right to cull, control, populate and do whatever is necessary for the culture ,care, and management of any species.

And don't forget "keep slaves" and "burn witches" ......
Give it a rest please. Tired if the huge cut and paste articles. I too spend as much time in the bush as possible. It helps get the dust off from too much time at work.
Englishman, short of reading scientific studies and hopefully fishing(this is a forum for fishermen isn't it). Do you spend any time in the forest and harvest anything on 4 legs or just hug every third tree?
Sorry, this thread is driving me nuts..
I am getting really tired of reading the anti " Bang Flop mentality " comments. Characterizing hunters by lumping them all into one group and saying they all gave the same pack mentality is a bit much..
Give it a rest please. Tired if the huge cut and paste articles. I too spend as much time in the bush as possible. It helps get the dust off from too much time at work.
Englishman, short of reading scientific studies and hopefully fishing(this is a forum for fishermen isn't it). Do you spend any time in the forest and harvest anything on 4 legs or just hug every third tree?
Sorry, this thread is driving me nuts..
I am getting really tired of reading the anti " Bang Flop mentality " comments. Characterizing hunters by lumping them all into one group and saying they all gave the same pack mentality is a bit much..

Englishman: Thanks for the reference material which was excellent. I hunt and fish (living aboard on the ocean part of my lifestyle).