Loreto, Mexico fishing advice


Heading down to Loreto the end of January and wondering if any of you have any fishing advice for that area, such as names of good charter guys, areas to fish etc. Thanks!
Post a question on trip advisor for the forum for Loreto...you should get some decent responces...

i have only fished there in late july into early august once the sea of cortez have finished turning over to warm water end to end. let us know how you do this early in the season. i would guess roosters on the beach and maybe some yellow fin.
I have a buddy that lives there.
We went out on a panga and fished for yellow tail one Xmas a few years ago.

Pm if you want info.
Post a question on trip advisor for the forum for Loreto...you should get some decent responces...


hud52, seeing as I am Trip Advisor Destination Expert on another TA foum, here's a couple of useful links;
http://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowForum-g150772-i879-Loreto_Baja_California.html enter Loreto fishing charters in the search engine and or create a new topic re: Loreto fishing charters

Buen viaje y suerte!
The Baja Big Fish Company for all things fishing around Loreto - conventional, fly fishing, shore fishing and bait availability reports (usually weekly and often with video footage), charters, gear advice, etc, etc.


Only visited Loreto once way back in the early 90's. Panga fishing off seamounts for big yellowtail in February. Got one nearly 40 lbs and a mix bag of smaller yellowtail, cabrilla, sierra mackerel and such. Been a regular surfer of the website ever since. Way over due for a return to that area - Sea of Cortez is beautiful!!! Guy at work's a seasonal worker and fish nut. He does a jaunt down the Baja every 2-3 years and loves the entire east cape and sea of cortez - roosters from shore, dorado, sails, tuna and yellowtail from pangas.

Terrific information guys. Thank you all! I spent most of this past January in Loreto and got out fishing in a panga only once. The wind was up so there were very few days we could get out. Didn't catch anything to speak of during that trip and I am hoping to change that this trip.