How's Barklay inside right now?

Hey guys i was down from friday afternoon to sunday evening
friday night had a nice night bite, we got a 15lb spring and a 9lb coho, fishing off of diplock. Sat morning it was pill for us and we landed a 12 and a 13lb releasing over 20 shakers. Saturday night we fished the same area and i lost a monster. Believe it or not but i purchased a brand new coyote and the thing fell apart on me. I fought the monster for a good 20 mintues. The line went slack and and realed the slack line up cursing that i lost the fish. when the lure came to the boat i relised that the spoon was hookless and that the fish had broken the ring that connects the spoon to the hook . Talk about quality. Anyways sunday morning was slow but still releasing lots of shakers. Im going down next weekend again. Dont be shy to throw a wave if you are down. I am fishing outa of a 22' skagit orca with a green stripe. 225 evenrude on the back.
Tight lines