Herring Fishery

Yup a different fishery... very small at best
Might have been small but they supplied Horseshoe Bay, Gibson, Pender Harbour, Secret Cove, North Vancouver and a few others. We never bought frozen bait back in those days.
I remember how busy the bait station was at first light in Horseshoe Bay on a derby weekend. Everyone lined up for their scoop of bait.
Beg to differ with you..Bait fish are typical fished on where the transiet herring move thru... the food fish are caught were they usually hold and spawn... Why dont you wait and see what the 10% reduction looks like before you all get your nickers in a knot...
80% of biomass vs 90% of biomass left to spawn, shouldn't make too much difference. This was a political move not a science based move.
There is plenty of herring in the gulf to support a 20 percent roe fishery and the tiny little food herring fishery and withhold sustainability. For some reason the rec guys who fish a couple weeks a year think that if you just delete commercial fishing it will be lights out fishing for them. Pretty selfish way to look at things. There are a lot of herring and our 10-20 percent fishery is nothing. Theres plenty of bait to go around.

Getting really tired of hearing the "More bait more fish" ********. People who say that have absolutely no idea on whats going on out there

Ohh roe on kelp. You mean the operation they shut down last year? Yeah that one really was a low blow from our beloved DFO
Last time I looked sportfishing in bc is a multi billion dollar a year industry, Sales of liscense show approx 300,000 sport
fisherman partake each year plus the thousands of other jobs in boat sales/repairs, fishing charters, fuel and tackle etc.

The commercial herring fishery lines the pockets of fewer than a thousand commercial fisherman.

Pretty selfish way of looking at things if you ask

No one wants to see forage fish stocks on the coast collapse. If you can think of a better way of conserving stocks please let us all know.
Last time I looked sportfishing in bc is a multi billion dollar a year industry, Sales of liscense show approx 300,000 sport
fisherman partake each year plus the thousands of other jobs in boat sales/repairs, fishing charters, fuel and tackle etc.

The commercial herring fishery lines the pockets of fewer than a thousand commercial fisherman.

Pretty selfish way of looking at things if you ask

No one wants to see forage fish stocks on the coast collapse. If you can think of a better way of conserving stocks please let us all know.
What is the source of fish meal used in fish farms?
In BC fish meal is produced from "left overs" from fish processing. So frames from filleted fish, guts, heads, fins etc from processing, salmon farm fish guts and the list goes on. Fish plants have to usually pay to get rid of their waste that goes to a reduction plant. We do not have any directed "reduction" fisheries in BC anymore. Fish meal is used for more than just "fish farm" feed, its used in many products such as pet food and chicken feed, fertilizer etc.
Last time I looked sportfishing in bc is a multi billion dollar a year industry, Sales of liscense show approx 300,000 sport
fisherman partake each year plus the thousands of other jobs in boat sales/repairs, fishing charters, fuel and tackle etc.

The commercial herring fishery lines the pockets of fewer than a thousand commercial fisherman.

Pretty selfish way of looking at things if you ask

No one wants to see forage fish stocks on the coast collapse. If you can think of a better way of conserving stocks please let us all know.

Commercial fishing herring is 100 percent sustainable.

I really don't need a lesson on the logistics of the boating fishing industry as my entire life revolves around exactly that. Have a great day

Our tiny little herring fishery doesn't line anyones pockets. If you want to make some income and go catch some herring then go buy a licence, all the gear, and a boat to stick the licence on. Learn how to fish, and then you have now earned the right to go catch some herring
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Commercial fishing herring is 100 percent sustainable.

I really don't need a lesson on the logistics of the boating fishing industry as my entire life revolves around exactly that. Have a great day

Our tiny little herring fishery doesn't line anyones pockets. If you want to make some income and go catch some herring then go buy a licence, all the gear, and a boat to stick the licence on. Learn how to fish, and then you have now earned the right to go catch some herring
and if you dont get any, but tried, you qualify for E.I.
lots of fisheries like this unfortunately.
and if you dont get any, but tried, you qualify for E.I.
lots of fisheries like this unfortunately.

Yeah well thats a different conversation and has absolutely nothing to do with the topic here. Thats a canadian work force logistic
I agree. If you don't like EI rules that's a separate issue and once again be careful what you ask for. Tons of sport fishing workers collect EI. 2 or 3 days of herring fishing doe snot qualify a person to collect.
The commercial herring fishery lines the pockets of fewer than a thousand commercial fisherman.
The Herring Roe Fishery lines the pockets MOSTLY OF JIMMY PATTISON
"The Jim Pattison Group, who owns the majority of the seine and gillnet fleet continues to choose corporate profit over conservation as coastal communities continue to pursue all legal means to protect threatened herring stocks."
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Not the way it works.
No catch = no ei
so is sockeye gillnet different? i see these guys and hear them in bam where they are not catching but must be out here to qualify for it. they literally called it and EI fishery.
so is sockeye gillnet different? i see these guys and hear them in bam where they are not catching but must be out here to qualify for it. they literally called it and EI fishery.

Like all Ei I believe you have to have made some income to have a stance on what your average income is, in order to qualify for Ei. At least I think that's how it works. Either way. Not the topic of herring and it being sustainable.

Rec guys need to leave that one alone and go fishing and zip it :)
so is sockeye gillnet different? i see these guys and hear them in bam where they are not catching but must be out here to qualify for it. they literally called it and EI fishery.

They are all the same when it comes to fisheries.
You must make a certain amount of earnings to qualify.
Rate goes up to a set maximum based on earnings.

No earnings = no ei