Help with Lowrance Chartplotter/Sounder

Whole in the Water

Well-Known Member
I have a Lowrance LCX 37c sounder/chartplotter that I bought new 3 years ago. It is NMEA 18-2000 compliant and has 2 comm. ports. I recently bought a Standard Horizon Matric GX2100 AIS capable VHF radio.

I can't figure out how to connect all the tiny colored NMEA data wires togther to get the GPS to talk to the radio and the AIS to talk to the chartplotter. I have looked around for info on this and all I find is stuff on how to connect the newer Lowrance HDS units.

Does anyone know, or have info on howto connect these 2 units to get them to work with each other?
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WITW just finished the install on my Hds to the Matrix GX2100 and I sure the wiring should be the same
Lowrance Matrix

yellow blue
orange gray
shield green
blue -----
green brown
shield -----

com port 1 should be set to 4800 and port 2 set to 38400.

There was one other setting I had to change but can't remember at the moment what it was. The AIS will still show on your plotter but the numbers for the AIS won't show on your VHF. I'd have to go to the boat and play around with the unit to figure out what the setting is. I just got my MMSI number today and have to input that in the VHF now. It's pretty cool once it's all set up. Can't wait to get the radar up and running with it. Hope all this help's.