Have your say about oyster and clam shellfish tourism in Powell River

85% of the 79 people who have taken the poll thus far are concerned about tourism over-harvesting of clams and oysters in Powell River

83% would support possession limit changes of clams and oysters

90% would support a seasonal closure of clams and oysters
Isn't the annual Tourist Tide closure enough?
ABORIGINAL - General Information,
COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Clam - Intertidal,

Fishery Notice - Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Subject: FN1041-Clam Sectoral Meeting

The next meeting for the Clam Sectoral Committee is scheduled for Tuesday,
October 4, 2016, 10:00 at Crown Isle Resort, 399 Clubhouse Drive Courtenay BC.
This is the annual meeting for the post-season review of the 2014 and 2015
season, including commercial, recreational and First Nations interests.


David Fogtmann
250 339-3799

Fisheries and Oceans Canada Operations Center - FN1041
Sent September 26, 2016 at 08:49
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If you have any questions, please contact us via e-mail to: OpsCentre@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
I don't understand why a public consultation group like the sport fishing advisory committee would host there web page via Facebook. I am not a member of Facebook, and will never become a member of Facebook. Many others feel the same way. There obtrusive pop ups on web pages are supremely annoying, and I have to use an advertising ripper to permanently remove them from pages I visit often. Sorry, I didn't mean to turn this into a rant against Facebook. What I'm trying to say is if you are a public consultation group you should not be hosting your information pages on Facebook that requires you to be a member to even view content. I find that far too restrictictive, and not in keeping with any kind of practices that a public organization should be adhering to. If you are a public organization you should be hosting your site on a freely viewable web page. Not on a private social media site that requires membership to simply view your content.

Any public organization should not host or distribute there information using a restrictive proprietary format. That is just my opinion, but I believe many others feel the same way about having freely accessible information on the internet
The campaign appears to have an anti-tourism slant. Discuss.
I didn't really pick up any racist vibe, more the xenophobia. Ironic that the FB page notes that sport fishing brings tourist dollars into coastal communities, but at the same time proposes more stringent harvest limits in an effort to discourage those same tourists. Why not take it all the way and make it catch and release only for shellfish?
The issue I noticed this summer in Powell River was that bus loads of tourists were being dropped by the tour operator to target a certain couple beaches. This was happening multiple times a week. It's fairly safe to assume by watching the coolers full of stuff being dug off the sand daily by these people that what is happening probably is not sustainable. I have also witnessed coolers being dumped out by the CO which tells me that the limits probably were not always followed. Do you guys honestly not see a problem with this? Just because they happen to be Asian does not mean the people concerned are being racist. It also doesn't mean they have xenophobia . Have you guys ever considered that maybe they take pride in this area and are trying to find a solution to the over harvesting before it's too late?
The tour operators should be ensuring the clam harvesters they're transporting adhere to regulations. Any fishing guide who takes customers out would never allow possession rules to be broken on his boat. If these tour operators are letting there clientele over harvest they should have there business licences yanked. If the people harvesting were caught over limit and using there own vehicle to transport an illegal amount, their vehicle would be subject to seizure. Taking a bus they don't have to worry about their own vehicle impounded and seized. That's not right. If the tour operator is transporting illegal harvests the operator should have the book thrown at them as well. One big fine or seizure of the tour operators vehicles would stop this in its tracks. Enforement needs to do searchs at the Ferry terminals and slam the tour operators hard as well, if they are transporting illegal catches.
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I don't understand why a public consultation group like the sport fishing advisory committee would host there web page via Facebook. I am not a member of Facebook, and will never become a member of Facebook. Many others feel the same way. There obtrusive pop ups on web pages are supremely annoying, and I have to use an advertising ripper to permanently remove them from pages I visit often. Sorry, I didn't mean to turn this into a rant against Facebook. What I'm trying to say is if you are a public consultation group you should not be hosting your information pages on Facebook that requires you to be a member to even view content. I find that far too restrictictive, and not in keeping with any kind of practices that a public organization should be adhering to. If you are a public organization you should be hosting your site on a freely viewable web page. Not on a private social media site that requires membership to simply view your content.

Any public organization should not host or distribute there information using a restrictive proprietary format. That is just my opinion, but I believe many others feel the same way about having freely accessible information on the internet

They also have their own page/forum here.... http://sfab.ca/south-coast-local-sp...-area-15-powell-river-area-16-sunshine-coast/

Not to hijack this topic but the thing you have to remember is the power of social media. This issue will reach a FAR wider audience than on the aforementioned link as the number of users on the earlier noted forum will be miniscule next to the number of people who utilize Facebook. If I make a comment on the Facebook group....the bulk of my "friends" on Facebook will see my activity in their news feed; that's how Facebook works. I can share their page to a HUGE audience simply by hitting "share" on my page and people who are in my network/friends will see it as we are connected. The bulk of these people would have NO clue as to what was happening up there as they aren't on a SFAB forum.

This group has the ability to gain more exposure to interest groups, individuals, media, local pages in their area that may be something like the Chamber of Commerce, Tourism or any other local group/business.

It's kind like the old shampoo commercial that "Wayne" referenced.

They also have their own page/forum here.... http://sfab.ca/south-coast-local-sp...-area-15-powell-river-area-16-sunshine-coast/

Not to hijack this topic but the thing you have to remember is the power of social media. This issue will reach a FAR wider audience than on the aforementioned link as the number of users on the earlier noted forum will be miniscule next to the number of people who utilize Facebook. If I make a comment on the Facebook group....the bulk of my "friends" on Facebook will see my activity in their news feed; that's how Facebook works. I can share their page to a HUGE audience simply by hitting "share" on my page and people who are in my network/friends will see it as we are connected. The bulk of these people would have NO clue as to what was happening up there as they aren't on a SFAB forum.

This group has the ability to gain more exposure to interest groups, individuals, media, local pages in their area that may be something like the Chamber of Commerce, Tourism or any other local group/business.

It's kind like the old shampoo commercial that "Wayne" referenced.

Thanks for pointing that out Pip. I wasn't aware that the same information was available on their own web page. The only source that was referenced was the Facebook location. I understand the usefulness of having a Facebook presence for more exposure. It just irks me if Facebook is the only option. In this case, my apologies to the guys involved in the SFAB. I did not realize there were options other than Facebook available to view your info.