Halibut Quota Increased

gon fishin

Active Member
It appears that IPHC has raised our quota in BC by 2 % not decreased it as projected Pacific Northwest (US) was increased by 12% So that means that should give us a few more days fishing So lets not give up our fight with DFO and keep those letters going
A 2% increase is way better than a 19% decrease
Originally Posted by fish4all
On a more positive note the IPHC passed a 3% increase in area 2B this year with a total catch of 7.65mill. It will still be a struggle for all sectors with the low tac's but at least we are getting a slight increase. Compared to area 2C, sitka, who just had it's share of the international pie slashed to a record low we should consider ourselves lucky.

Even with this 3% increase in B.C. TAC, the sport fishery will have a quota of 246,000 lb less than we caught to October 18 last year.
Our catch to October 18 was 1,092,000 lb. Twelve percent of 7,650,000 lb is 918,000 lb. This will probably be reduced by our overage
last year of 72,000 lb. This leaves 846,000 lb.or 23% less than our 2010 catch.
"Our catch to October 18 was 1,092,000 lb"

How the hell do they get this number anyway ??
it has to be a projected number based on creel census
and hocus pocus :confused:
voodoo statistics drive these numbers. down this way they use a 'sample of convience', that means they ask whoever they run into how they did. last season they did not talk with anyone i have found in our marine area 6 but concentrated their dock surveys in seiku and neah bay, marine area 5. based on that, they told all of us in marine area 6 just how well we did! next they do a 'random' phone survey. published papers by WDFW staff indicated that the phone survey was totally bogus with an error rate somewhere around 50%, anglers lie! then they combine these numbers using a totally flawed statistical approach and slam the sport anglers, year after year after year.

i suspect your DFO follow along a similar voodoo statistical path. the irony here is we are 'required' to turn in our catch record cards annually. turns out they have not summarized this actual catch data for the past decade.

but, folks down this way continue sending their bucks to a variety of angling organizations who claim they are standing up for the sport angling public, ********, none of them has done a dam thing about any of this.
i suspect your DFO follow along a similar voodoo statistical path. the irony here is we are 'required' to turn in our catch record cards annually. turns out they have not summarized this actual catch data for the past decade.

that is along the lines of what I posted a few weeks back as the easy solution, but instead of turning in catch records which then requires staff members to count and sort, we update all the statistics online in a built database that does all the work for them. For the sake of being able to fish, I think we would comply and provide necessary information (charters and resorts can do it all for their guests). I realize there is countless bureaucratic BS that says they just possibly cant do that, but you want to know what we catch, that is a pretty damn easy way to do it in my books. Then we are on par with commercial in terms of numbers and we can truly discuss allocation! Hell, even while recording weight wouldn't be practical on licenses and everyone involved, would it be that hard to request a trial year where we are responsible for weight numbers as well (even if we have to estimate if not with access to scales)? Considering the average regular halibut fisherman would only catch 5-10/year, is that such a hardship for us?

To me, there are so many solutions to all of the problems and much of them are very easy to implement. I think what it comes down to is DFO just does not give a damn about us.
They are also basing the size on a 30 lb avg now instead of a 15 lb avg so that how come the lbs are so damn high they dont have a clue really to whats being caught.
You have to ask yorself when the last time you have seen 30 lbers off of the west caost day in and day out?????2 yrs ago it was a 10 lb avg??? WTF

How can you go from being in the "range" 4 yrs ago with 2 daily 3 possesion then get reduced by 50% and be over ........... something really smells funny there if you ask me?????

Complete BS

WDFW currently requires us to report our crab catch. one of the options is an online form that is poorly designed but still works. why they didn't expand this online reporting to include all of the catch record info is beyond me. i believe the weight estimate is probably based on what a legal sized commercially caught halibut might weigh. that would make some sense if there were length restrictions on sport caught fish.
They are also basing the size on a 30 lb avg now instead of a 15 lb avg so that how come the lbs are so damn high they dont have a clue really to whats being caught.
You have to ask yorself when the last time you have seen 30 lbers off of the west caost day in and day out?????2 yrs ago it was a 10 lb avg??? WTF

How can you go from being in the "range" 4 yrs ago with 2 daily 3 possesion then get reduced by 50% and be over ........... something really smells funny there if you ask me?????

Complete BS


seriously? Thats the number they use? Friggin ridiculous if so. It should be scaled - west coast 15-18 lbs at best (there are still guys that anchor up for bigger ones to bring up the average from the range), north island/johnston 30 lb (I assume bigger in Hardy, but I know they have equivalent chicken ranches around Malcolm for the most part that the charters frequent), then Victoria and area, maybe 40. I recon that is probably reasonable. Of course I would then break down the traffic #'s as 65% west, 5% north, 30% victoria. Bet thats way more accurate than 1 big 30lb average, but of course too much work for these poor 'overworked' souls.
Last week DFO ran the boat from Oak Bay -out west saw them zip by us off the bluffs then out of site past otter,maybe trying to sneak up on someone snagging a hali before the (start of the Hali opening?) I think our heats starting to get to them , maybe they actually can read! KEEP TURNING UP THE HEAT!

An increase on the TAC for area 2B, excellent! This just goes to prove that there is not a conservation issue at hand, only a distribution of the TAC and a management issue here!!! Like it or not the heads of DFO work for CANADA and WE pay their wages (at least a portion) they had better start to hear their boss before they have to start to collect another form of government pay EI (UIC)! They can and must make a change to the current distribution of the TAC NOW, not tomorrow or next week or next year, NOW! Keep up the pressure, write letters to the PMO (Harper), DFO (Shea), your MP's, and talk to everyone that you know that fishes, get them up to speed and encourage them to get involved also. Squeaky Wheel Gets The Grease!
If you have sent a letter or letters -resend them-If you have had a response re-send and ask them the same question because we know they have not answered it yet