Halibut quota ideas?

What about a critically wounded not legal fish?

I see what your saying. This is the dilemma that the slot limit will create. This is why I feel that a slot limit should only be imposed if anglers are given some discretion regarding harvest of deep hooked fish/critically injured fish, and leniency regarding measurements. Hard to enforce these rules, but really, how much enforcing is really happening. I can't see many guides would be willing to break these rules for clients, and they are the primary harvesters of the recreational halibut quota I believe, so it would allow the slot to be effective in performing what it was designed for. I don't agree with these slot restrictions, just trying to problem solve how we could make it work for the current allocation we have. Currently, the proposed slot restriction is a big FAIL.
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Hmmm... reality of it all, dfo can not discriminate and stop any legal fishery. All needs must equally be met after conservation and aboriginal food fish opportunities.

Nice try , but once they implement the new reg's that is the law and if you break it you will be charged.:confused:
THEY wont let you say "OH BUT IT WAS DEEPLY HOOKED" in there eyes if this dumb thing passes you will be breaking the law and you will be charged no different if you brought in a wild coho spring etc when there is restrictions in place there is no "gray" area when it comes to this if there was everyone with a 100 lb halibut would say "it was too deeply hooked " or "it was going to die" it wont go so get that notion out of your head as you break the law and you caught you will be in trouble
RE alasaka if you think for 1 min. that canada will challange alaska to stop what there doing up there forget it they will never confront them the US owns canada billions for many other things like power.softwood etc and they still havent even pushed for that and thats money going to CANADA!!!!! do you really think they care?????? cmon be real fact is the feds dont give two $hits about us out here Harper has proven that with all the things hes done to us and will continue to untill the fuker is put out of power.

Look at what he did with all the fresh water watersheds and taking away protected rivers and streams hes done this so he can do his pipelines a to destroy the environment !!!!!

He is a man with an agenda and he plans on doing whathe wants almost hitler like!!!!!!!

Guys the argument of deep hooked dead fish is beyond lame. Dave got it right if it's a mortal hook job just keep it if everyone throws back a 20-30lbr hoping for a 50 there will be WAY less fish coming home because most will release then not catch another.

If this reg is put in place circle hooks WILL (should) be mandatory. That will help a lot with gut hooks. Anyways halibut are way tougher then salmon they eat things with spikes and spines all the time I imagine a lot of gut hooked fish would find a way to survive anyways especially if your using hooks that will rust.

I've seen bass caught that had a hook poking out their butt because they swallowed it, passed it all the way through and now they are trying to **** it out. a halibut is tougher then a bass.

I don't like the slot but I don't think this argument that lots of dead fish will be released is a valid reason against it I feel that's grasping at straws. What do you want release none because a couple might die?

If the fish swims away don't worry about it - it lived and nature will take its course either way from there.
Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Under the heading of "Equality Rights" this section states:

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.
(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.
I have also heard this. It's a against the law to discriminate against any one user group, and that dfo can not legally enforce the size limit of 60 lbs because its not across the board. And if they do try and charge someone you can will win in court without a doubt. I don't understand all of it exactly, but this was from a very reliavle source and I'm digging deeper although I'm sure there are folks on here that can nail this down.

Just for fun, complete this sentence -

When someone says "you can will win in court without a doubt" and then immediately follows with "I don't understand all of it exactly"....

My entry - find another source of legal advice.
i plan on killing whatever i catch to meet my family needs,, then i will be done, approx 150 lbs of cut fish. call it personal quota.
DFO has the power to make regulations. Saying sport fishermen must release a halibut over 60lbs is NOT discrimination. If they said white folks release fish over 60 Chinese can keep them then yes that is.

And the native fishery is above that law read (2) in steel dreamin's post above and the commercial fishery is completely seperate. Another very weak argument for keeping big fish.
word of advise - I'd be careful what you post on a public forum. Although this regulation hasn't passed there is something referred to as "premeditated" in law.
Perhaps you could get some legal advice from these two locals.

It's not "wise thinking" to just break the rules unless you have a plan B.
It's not "wise thinking" to encourage breaking the rules on a open forum.
But hey fill your boots but be prepared to answer to your fellow fishermen and the public.
Perhaps you could get some legal advice from these two locals.

It's not "wise thinking" to just break the rules unless you have a plan B.
It's not "wise thinking" to encourage breaking the rules on a open forum.
But hey fill your boots but be prepared to answer to your fellow fishermen and the public.

I dont think it would be their fellow fishermen and public they have to worry about, as I'm sure they'd get a pat on the back or two for proving their point...courts and legal system/fines a different story.
I dont think it would be their fellow fishermen and public they have to worry about, as I'm sure they'd get a pat on the back or two for proving their point...courts and legal system/fines a different story.

Also the loss of there boat and perhaps being arrested ...at this point I believe they are looking at some offence becoming be arrestable verse the, just give out a ticket...food for thought before on decides to go down that road
once again, the saying, it's easier to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission, comes into play here.

Hope you got some deep pockets Holmes, cause you'll be paying some hefty fines...
70lb instead of 60lb halibut in the boat...arrested for it...believe it when I see it. I doubt it. With that being said, I'd expect a give or take of a few cm considering how hard it is to measure over the side of the boat.
If the slot goes through, I hope I don't have to go though the heart break of releasing a large slab. Maybe Dfo should teach the public angler safe release techniques. I think the first thing to do is cut the weight off spreader bar. Maybe then I will try the alcohol squirt bottle in the mouth and gills to sedate it. Might be a good idea to have an assortment of long nose pliers and side cutters to get out the hook. Not using trebles this year if this slot exists. Still can't believe it was voted in by sfab. I support their efforts in our fisheries, but this one not so much
Joey I'm no lawyer but I have read the fisheries act. A legal document which specifies the power that the minister has to make regulations.

And Holmes because the commercials can keep big fish you think you can too? Because its discriminatory? LOL you remind me of my little sister who thought it was discriminatory when her older brother and sister could drive but she couldn't because she was only 12. Let me guess you agree that's ageism and not aloud right?

Commercial fishers and rec fishers have ALWAYS had different rules.