Halibut Notice

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I don't think so buddy! Nice try! Even if they wanted to, it is just not feasible to charge this ridiculous cost to a customer.
I don't think so buddy! Nice try! Even if they wanted to, it is just not feasible to charge this ridiculous cost to a customer.

Why not, don't know enough about the system to understand the economics.

But... If I was a lodge and X percentage of my profit came from Halibut charters then I would have Y profit. If I can maintain that appeal for Halibut charters through quota purchase then I would evaluate the threshold level of profit vs. expendature to procure.

Might be an oversimplification but the guys looking at long term plays are going to be doing the math. The Hali situation is not going to get better in BC. Guys who think it is are kidding themselves.
Big lodges may be able to negotiate BIG quota purchases for a much better price too. A huge operation might be leasing 10's of thousands of pounds I bet they could get it as cheap as a big commercial fish boat.
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Do you REALLY think OBMG would buy commercial quota? They would be black listed overnight by the entire sport fishing community. Give your heads a shake. They have WAY to much to loose and very little to gain by such a move.
I'm not sure about that profisher. They'd still attract a lot of guests. ESP Americans who love big halibut it seems more than Albertans and western canada
I'm done with this thread, its becoming a joke. I personally know many of their upper managers and if they are reading this crap they are feeling very insulted and betrayed by the very people they have fought hard for over the years. I could understand a commie, first nation group or uniformed non-fishers with an agenda pushing this crap, but it is disheartening to hear it coming from within our group.
Yup i'm with you Pro Fisher! i persoanaly talked to oneof the high ups in Oak Bay and asked him flat out if they were going to buy Quota and they said absolutley Not!!! He said it would never happen. But don't let it bug you Rollie people are going to think what there going to think. How bout you Serengeti you going to buy some? Tell the truth lol
I'm done with this thread, its becoming a joke. I personally know many of their upper managers and if they are reading this crap they are feeling very insulted and betrayed by the very people they have fought hard for over the years. I could understand a commie, first nation group or uniformed non-fishers with an agenda pushing this crap, but it is disheartening to hear it coming from within our group.

Just back up a little for second.
Here is an example of what might happen and I am saying might happen....not that it is happening!
West Coast Resorts went bankrupt a few years ago and they were instead bought and now owned by the Haico Nation(haida gwaii).
They get volumes of money each year to expand and support there tourism based ventures....
Now in all reality, they dont have to lease any quota...actually they could probably transer within their own First Nations programs to accomodate such a procedure.
Ya, I get it....highly unlkely but remember....this is all about business and nothng to do with the single recreational angler.
I happen to know that some of the lodges, supported the slot....and I would be looking to ask for letters of support against anything to do with the experimental licence program or any other form of opprtunities such as the above example....
Just saying....
Just back up a little for second.
Here is an example of what might happen and I am saying might happen....not that it is happening!
West Coast Resorts went bankrupt a few years ago and they were instead bought and now owned by the Haico Nation(haida gwaii).
They get volumes of money each year to expand and support there tourism based ventures....
Now in all reality, they dont have to lease any quota...actually they could probably transer within their own First Nations programs to accomodate such a procedure.
Ya, I get it....highly unlkely but remember....this is all about business and nothng to do with the single recreational angler.
I happen to know that some of the lodges, supported the slot....and I would be looking to ask for letters of support against anything to do with the experimental licence program or any other form of opprtunities such as the above example....
Just saying....

i hear what your saying but thats is one company with it's own set of rules is't it . Oak Bay or most other lodges would have to buy quota just like you and me.
For the record what does OBMG say about the "Experimental Halibut License"
Then there’s DFO’s “experimental fishery,” which is essentially the recreational sector paying big business and quota traders for a right to catch some of their “gifted” halibut quota.

Surely DFO can’t be serious?
Lanny Sawchuk

executive vice-president,
chief operations officer
Oak Bay Marine Group
Also heard that if a client was to show up with "slipper skipper quota" they would ask them to leave......

You guys that want to point fingers at OBMG may want to question your leader on the "other forums"
The experimental licence has basically created an elitist fishery. He who has the most money lands the biggest halibut. I personally know that obmg won't be leasing the quota, especially when they have shut down several of their lodges over the past few years. As far as i can tell, the industry is shrinking, just look at all the lodges between rivers and bella bella that have gone t!tz up. The economics for the average charter and lodge leasing quota just don't work. Think about the basic math, a 25lb chicken will cost $100 if you lease the quota at $4/lb. So you take out 4 clients and they each catch a chicken, boom there is $400 bucks either they have to pay, or the operator does. Very few people are going to pay that, only those with deep pockets. Rec anglers are not opposed to user fees, but I think that they demand the proceeds go towards stewardship initiatives. The inherent difference between the commercial sector and the rec sector is that they make $ by the pound, we make money by the boat leaving the dock and returning regardless of the poundage on board. Charters and lodges are more akin to taxi cabs and hotels than they are to commercial fish boats. The only "certainty" with the exp licence is that it will fail miserably!
For the record what does OBMG say about the "Experimental Halibut License"
I may be wrong but it would seem to me that the OBMG is a pretty big business, so the quote seems rather odd? I could be wrong but looking at their prices they seem to cater to the well heeled fisherman
But as many have pointed out 70% of catch us guided or lodge so 70% of people would only be able to catch 1 halibut instead of 2 possession...hole size of china in logic

Care to rephrase this so I can understand what you are asking me or telling me?
I know you posted this late last night so you might have been tired and your grammar was a bit off.
I may be wrong but it would seem to me that the OBMG is a pretty big business, so the quote seems rather odd? I could be wrong but looking at their prices they seem to cater to the well heeled fisherman
OBMG has all sorts of deals for fishermen not just for the "well healed" ones. A favorite one in these parts is this one.
Heck of a deal for 2 nights and 2 days fishing at $329 per person...
For the record I have never been fishing with OBMG but I have fished with a couple of guides here on this forum.
Was a pleasure to fish with them and I learned a few tricks that made me a better salt water angler...

added : spoke to one OBMG person last year and he confirmed they are dead set against this "Experimental Halibut License"
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For record wasn't implying obmg would just meant in general. Will clarify Gil just got back from Cuba in wee hrs and was tired. On highway now. When home will type out sorry
OBMG has all sorts of deals for fishermen not just for the "well healed" ones. A favorite one in these parts is this one.
Heck of a deal for 2 nights and 2 days fishing at $329 per person...
For the record I have never been fishing with OBMG but I have fished with a couple of guides here on this forum.
Was a pleasure to fish with them and I learned a few tricks that made me a better salt water angler...

added : spoke to one OBMG person last year and he confirmed they are dead set against this "Experimental Halibut License"

Sorry didn't mean to imply they only catered to well heeled fishermen, just primarily. It seems to me that the deal you quote is certainly not representative of most of their packages. I'm sure you are aware that they are a large business with high end lodges in both Canada and the Bahamas. Back to my original post though are they trying to imply they are not a big business in the quote you posted?
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