Halibut fishing the straits


We went out yesterday here in the US. We were across from Victoria and east. We got two and lost two big ones. Our buddies limited three other boats. One boat got two out of two, another three out of three, and four out of four. The four out of four boat got a 60 pounder as the biggest. Pretty good fishing. He acutally was skunked until 4:00 and then had two double headers to get the four fish. None were caught deeper than 200 feet.

Nice job and great fish ... I worked my butt off on Friday at Keystone where a buddy caught a163lber, last week ,and then went to Dallas Bank,.... Had some great[8D] sun and water but if it wasnt for the freezer..[:p] Id have been out of luck:(
We are fishing within several miles from the shoreline and not out in the middle. We are from Point Wilson (Where the Puget Sound comes in from the straits, which is Admiralty Inlet) Out to Sequim and a little beyond. Fishing all flats out there and the edges.
