Fishing SOOKE secretary island

Hi Folks,

I just found this forum thread and thought I'd introduce myself, as we will need a lot of experienced salmon fishing guides in the years ahead, and even some regulars starting as early as this summer.

Instead of the 400-room hotel that Possession Point was zoned to permit in 2002, we are going to construct up to 95 Oceanfront Cottages. The Show Cottage is the building that you can see from the water. Once you see how it's constructed, you'll see why it's a lot of fun to be in during any storm, where you have a front row seat to watch the big waves crash all around you.

If you have an interest in working with owners and resort guests, or simply want more information, please take a look at our website at, or send an email to

You are also welcome to come out and see the view from our perspective, as the Show Cottage is open every day from noon until 4 PM.

Best regards,

Michael Thornton
SookePoint at Silver Spray