Fishing location suggestion for April lower Vancouver Island

Sir Reel

Well-Known Member
Have a friend looking to do a buddies fishing weekend April 6,7, in his boat.
He is looking for suggestions on where to fish for salmon.
Anywhere from Sooke to Nanaimo.
Thrasher, Porlier, Oak Bay?

Any suggestions appreciated.

Boys fishing weekend? Sounds like zero fun. Depends where is open. I’m thinking the only fishery open will be inside Beecher Bay or unless DFO opens any marked selected fisheries (MSF) off Sidney or Vic. Don't know if there is talks of any MSF inside the gulf islands. I think the inside will be shutdown. What about popping over to Barkley? Bit more of a jaunt.
From What ive been told there will be salmon season in area 19 as of april 1 of course its not out but at last SFAB meeting it was coming...and bon chovy is advertising it as such
I would scrap it and head for Barkley Sound myself. Most places will be non retention April 1st. I few MSF but that's it.

My second choice would be Sooke and Vic just because of halibut.