Fishing a hoochie (3’ leader) versus a spoon (6’ leader)...

Rather not fully confident fisher here ive actually fished chovies with a 28” leader and i did catch and lost a monster due to a burr on the flasher eye (no swivel that time). Now i use 5 feet.

Do you recommend 30lbs test for spoons and teaser heads? And is naked spoon a good idea as well?
25lbs for teasers and spoons 3.5" and under
30lbs for spoons 4" and over
40lbs for hootchies
I will probably use 25 lbs for now then and maybe 30 flourocarbon if i decide to move up.
I like using hootchies had a lot of success going to run a white/pink and aces high. Used a lot of 40lbs test retying with gami hooks and i never go long without retying if i see any kind of wear which is usually from bouncing in the boat
I never use an inline flasher with a spoon. Lately I have been doing well with bait/false flasher. I hardly ever use Hoochies anymore. About 95% of the time I'd rather get skunked than use an inline flasher. IMO 33ft is a bit short for a hoochie. I use 4x the flasher blade length which is 44 inches for a large flasher; 60# test of the stiffest mono you can find (triple fish or fluorocarbon with a siwash hook).
[QUOTE=" About 95% of the time I'd rather get skunked than use an inline flasher. [/QUOTE]

Me too. Switched to dummy flashers and what an improvement in the experience.
I'm sure you mean 33" (!)
Thanks very much.

I learned to fish hoochies from the 2 guides from the Bayshore resort (now Island West) they would fish a hoochie on one side & a plug on the other - so I agree with the shorter leaders except when going at a faster speed like you SHOULD with plugs.