Fisheries Minister gets pie in face

Couldn't happen to a nicer person, Gail Shea is mediocrity personified, a true non-entity. [V]

Although I simply don't agree with the protester's rant regarding the seal hunt, there are a host of reasons I can agree this Department's Top Dawg should be pied for

Two Thumbs UP!

You have to give the bunny hugger credit tho- She got a 10 out of 10 on the Pie job. Full Frontal. Nice. The more I watch it the better I feel.:)
Ahhh... ya gotta love it eh!:D Sometimes there are brief instances of justice in this world after all. Couldn't of happened to a more useless politician!!!:D

Long live wild salmon!!!
I don't often rant on this forum....but....

Personally, I think that sort of prank is juvenile and disgusting - I don't care what the issue is and whether I agree with the protester's stance on not. There are so many better ways to get attention to an issue than to physically harm or embarrass the Minister.

IMHO, the protester has probably done more harm to their cause. If that was me getting that pie in my face, I can tell you it would be pretty hard for me to ever come to the table and work with that group again. Like it or not, her Ministry has a lot of power -- better to work with them than to build an enemy of your cause.

BTW: This post should have been made in the "Conversation and Politics" forum, not in fishing. I come to this section to read about fishing and to relax. I read the other section when I want to debate or get emotional about our resource.

hmmmm..... Yeah not really into the whole degrading of a person thing. However talking issues with her has gotten us no where. Maybe if she got a pie in the face every other day the hint may be taken and she may decide to relinquish her title to someone who understands the debaulcle.
X2 Highlights, Canadians as a rule work by debate so we are being ignored. What to do, I have no answers but I still do not think that pies work. Finding a way to cut back money going to party support in response to their ignorance would make an immediate impression.;)

I dont care if it was for the wrong reason or not, I LOVE IT!!!
I think that it's going to be a distinctly Canadian trademark,the pie in the face.

So many faces,not enough pies...
