Favorite Salmon lures - North Island


Well-Known Member
What are your favorite lures that work well on the north island. Telegraph Cove, Hardy, Winter Harbor areas. I love using hoochies, so any plastic recommendations would be great. Spoons & plugs as well. Telegraph is the area I prefer, so good gear recommendations for that area would be highly appreciated.

I know most people will recommend Anchovies, but I prefer lures to bait. I will use bait if I'm not having success with the gear, but I mostly save the bait for Hali. So please tell me your favorite hardware to use when up there. I would be fishing some time between now through till the end of August. When fishing for Salmon, Springs is mostly what I will be targeting.

Thanks in advance.
Wonder Bread Coyote and green/glow splatter-back hoochie


20ft Alumaweld Intruder
600 tomic plug and any hootchie that is chartreuse glow will work around telegraph and malcolm island but bait consistently will catch you more fish...that being said fishing is unreal around there right now if you know how to fish the area
Thanks for the info guys. Juby, do you know any of the hoochie code numbers that work for you up there.

Anyone else with some good hardware recommendations for the north island?
og18or chartreuse cuttlefish hootchie was the hot ticket when i guided there last year, other hootchie that works is army truck in cuttlefish or reg hootchie size, as well as the m113l glow (called the green ghost). as for hardware i never really ran spoons too much but i know the guide out of telegraph almost runs spoons exclusively i would think cop car and green glow in the smaller sizes should work as needlefish and sand lance seem to be the predominant feed. A general tip is to fish shallow like 35-50 feet in 60 feet of water work your way out as the day progresses but each person has his own fishing preferences and being the greenhorn i just followed t he other guides who were haveing the best success. I rarely went above 90 feet when fishing around malcolm
As mentioned smaller Coyote in Glo/Green stripe.

Same spoon Chrome/Blue stripe

Glo White Hootchie

Thanks again for the info.

I guess it's ok to hijack my own thread, so how has the fog been up there recently. None, thick, burning off quickly, or sticking around a long time. Thanks for any more info.
normally it burns off by the afternoon around malcolm but if ur running in it be very carefull around donagol head...go wide outside as there is a ton of boats running around there, a reef and lots of potential for accidents