Favorite Books?

Osama Bin Hopper

Active Member
Anyone got some good recommendations for me? Fishing related or not, don't care, just like to read and looking for some ideas.

Just finished Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden and it was worth the read for sure.

Gimee the gaff!!!
Just finished reading Malcolm Gladwell's book of short essays called "What the Dog Saw". Good but, but I really liked his last one called Outliers.

Also liked Running with Scissors by Augustine Burrows.

Hey Chris - email your address and she'll ship it over, I won't be that way until after the derby for sure. Do you have all the books mentioned below?

Tenmile - That Burrows book was facked up!! Just imagine.

Another winner is Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer. Fascinating non fiction pertaining to mormonism/polygamy/violece.

Also enjoyed The Golden Spruce quite a bit.

Hey Mark - looks and brains, whoda thunkit?

Gimee the gaff!!!
Fish Related :Salmon Wars
Spiritual: The Heart Does Break
Good Read: The Kite Runner
War: Soldiers of Destruction, SAS Ghost Force,Streets with no Joy
Canadian: The Cellist of Sarajevo
Humour: Confederacy of Dunces
Gangster: Brutal,Murder Machine,The Iceman
quote:Originally posted by Osama Bin Hopper

Tenmile - That Burrows book was facked up!! Just imagine.

Indeed! Esp. given that it's a true story. Hard to believe the guy could survive -- his second book "Dry" gives an account of how he finally dried out. It's a much harder story to recommend for a number of reasons.

Old thread but thought I'd add a few.

Adventures in solitude - stories from desolation sound.

Lost on planet china - this guy can no longer go to china after writing this

The lawman - about policing this Province back in the pioneer days.
I just picked up a "The Story of the Tyee Club" , gorgeous photos. Copy 18/180 , its a great book
Enders Game by Orson Scott Card

Best book I've ever read. I've loaned it to anyone I could and they all loved it. Its a book set in a scifi setting, but its more a human story than anything.

And for a nice light read, the two bachelor brothers bed and breakfast (not counting the bedside companion) books are good.

And if you accept comics as legit reading (like I do) Most Frank Miller books are good. Sin City, SC: Dame to kill etc, but his absolute BEST is Batman : Dark Knight Returns.
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History: The Imperial Cruise - James Bradley ----A spooky read about Teddy Roosevelt and early America (circa 1900)

Political: The American Raj - Erik Margolis ---Details American interests throughout the Arab world and how from 50's to present, those interests have been related to most every major event in this region.

War - The Good Soldiers -David Finkel ---Hell of a read about a group of soldiers fighting in one of the most volatile places in Iraq during the time it was written. Very vivid and exposing.

All these books would read good in that order, if you are into a bit of history and war. Not much for Fiction or SciFi. myself. Im often left astonished and speechless by what I read in these books. Bradley and Margolis are recognized and respected authors in their field.
Hey Mark - looks and brains, whoda thunkit?

Well knock me over with a feather! You can actually READ??
Never would have guessed...

As for the "looks" comment... I ain't even gonna TOUCH that One!!

Happy Hanukka And Merry Christmas Rabbi! Hope Santa treats you well! I'll get back to you with a few suggestions, in a spell. Don't rightly trust what my overly medicated reasoning might come up with for you just now...

Nog - He who actually does Read - a LOT that is!
Just read "Fly fishing for sharks" Its kinda like "to kill a mocking bird"....... I didn't learn any tips on killing mocking birds. FFFS is about several fishing different fishing cultures. A non fisherman classes a fisherman as a fisherman.... this book breaks down the reallity that a stealheader and a bass pro are very different people.
Here's a quick list of books that come to mind:-

Fishing – To Know a River – Roderick Haig Brown
Fishing and life – A River Runs Through It – Norman McLean
Fishing/philosophy - Pavlov's Trout - Paul Quinnett
Fiction – Sophie’s Choice – William Styron
Science/evolution – The Greatest Show on Earth – Richard Dawkins
Science/cosmology - A Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking
True Adventure - Follow the River – James Thom
Sci-Fi – The Foundation Trilogy – Isaac Asimov
Humour - The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy – Douglas Adams
Social history/memoir – Angela’s Ashes - Frank McCourt
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Master and Commander (Aubrey-Maturin) series by Patrick O'Brian. Months or years of reading if you like historical fiction.
Just saw this book on the ferry and thought it would interest some of you guys. It's called The River Killers by Bruce Burrows. It's about DFO deception and cover-up. Here is the write up:

Danny Swanson, Department of Fisheries and Oceans employee and ex-fisherman, isn’t exactly upset when he’s reassigned from a desk job in Ottawa to an at-sea job on the West Coast. His superiors think they’re punishing him for his indiscretions, but Danny is pleased to be back on the Pacific, reconnecting with his old fishing buddies. Revisiting his past life, though, is trolling up some old memories, including a troubling incident from ten years ago, when Danny and his crew pulled up a deformed fish. It was young Billy who decided to bring the odd creature to the DFO in Vancouver for examination. Billy and the fish were never seen again. Now, Danny’s buddy is on his mind when he stumbles across a photo of the fish in the DFO databases, and suddenly, Danny can’t let Billy’s disappearance get swept under the rug.
With the help of RCMP Sergeant Louise Karavchuk, Danny starts hauling old histories to the surface and delving into what he starts to believe may be a massive conspiracy. Who can Danny trust in his search for the truth? The organized, well-dressed officials of the DFO? Or his somewhat rowdy and rough-around-the-edges fishing buddies from the past?

Just picked up a book by Charlie White. It's called 103 fishing secrets. Just got into it the other night and although it's just a book about fishing tips, I find it pretty interesting and fun to read. Hope all the tips and "secrets" stick in my head, I could use them!

Would love to check out some of his movies or tv episodes with the underwater footage. Anyone know where I would get my hands on some?
If you want to keep busy for a while try the "A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones)" series by George RR Martin. I just finished book #5 and now have to wait for 6 and 7. Damm, it's hard to wait!