Dead Cougar In The Somass

heard from the fisheries officers that there was a dead cougar in about 5 feet of water at somass park i think. just wondering if anyone else heard that???
Was it shot? :( :(
If it was, the guy who shot it should be in 5 feet of water
if he shot it soley for pleasure [V]

Sucks to hear of such a awesome Cat wasted for no reason (if it was)
sad 2 hear about the cat......they just dont end up dying and end up in the rivr.....without some help....did someone call the c/o??????

soooooo....that tells me someone else was on the sss!!!!i was out pretty much all day till dusk,i was in the upper...nothin....i pounded both sides of the mid section....HARD.....and nothin.i seen lots of guys out but not 1 rod bent,plenty of boats 2.did any 1 else manage 2 shake hands with any steel???
I hope that it was natural causes. I don't know of any reason that would justify the shooting of such a beautiful animal.

I certainly hope it wasn't one of "us" . Before anybody jumps the gun here, it would be interesting to hear what the CO says happened if he was even able to retrieve it.

Lots of things could have happened.

Rather upsetting though.