Daiwa Minnow Lure - restoration steps

Hello BC Anglers,
It has passed some time since my last visit. receive my greetings from Peru. i hope you are doing well.

Please, let me tell you something about this post. A friend of mine, Marco, brought me one of his lures that he likes most. It was a Daiwa Salt Pro Minnow lure, which I like a lot as well. Maybe many of you may know this plug. It is a great lure, excellent pay for value, and very effective when your are fishing with a spinning rod from the shores. You can reach long distances with it, and also, it is a very good hunter.

Well, after having lots of fights, the lure was all scratched so I decided to offer Marco to do a restoration work on it.

In this video, I will have the chance to show you a summary of the process that I followed to restore the plastic plug until giving a second brand new life to the lure. Included in the video, you can see the main steps that I followed. It was incredible to see the transformation process. From having a scratched and old lure at the starting point, to finally get a new lure with a news and different characteristics.

Please leave me your comments and recommendations, and I invite you to watch my video and I hope you like it.

Here is the link: