Cold Weather Fishing


Captain Downriggin

It appears the artic blast is on the way. I absolutely love being on the water during an extremely crisp morning! Just curious to know how many of you still head out on saltchuck when the the temps dip really low?
I'm all over it. Staying at the cabin, wood stove roaring, yup nothing like it. Smell of the crisp clean air, hooking up a fiesty winter spring, yeehaa love it. Hmm....... I think I'm going to go load the boat.

Autumn Ty-ee
I can't get out until Tuesday morning! :(
But, rest assured I will be there with bells on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. And I will also be trying the new "Captain Downriggin" hoochies I bought! :)

I was thinking about trying Green Point, but probably won't get past Pt Defiance and Delco.
This is when I get out and load up on prawns! [:p]After the tourists are gone and I've got the water to myself. Climb into the floater-suit, neoprene gloves and I'm comfy at any temperature.
This is the best time of year for fishing on the days with no wind. When its calm it's flat and beutiful. The ocean is boatless with the exception of a few diehards (gotta love that) The big resident springs 30-40t lb show themselves more frequently than in the warmer weather. There not nesesarily deep like the winter spring mith goes. I pull the majority of the realy large residents out of 50-100ft of water this time of year. I get more fish deeper but the fish average size is smaller. Rain, snow, cold who cares. Close the cabin, crank the heater and enjoy. The wind is a definate stopper though, blows you around in circles, cant control the lines, gets overly frustrating.(no longer fun). Should of seen it yesterday (wholey crap) (Realy neaded a fishing fix bad). Got one 24lb, 60ft water 30ft on rigger.

I'm setting priorities & making time for fishing.
quote:Originally posted by Captain Downriggin

It appears the artic blast is on the way. I absolutely love being on the water during an extremely crisp morning! Just curious to know how many of you still head out on saltchuck when the the temps dip really low?

I actually look forward to the cold weather. Certainly decreases the number of folks out there. And more often than not when it's cold the wind is usually calm as well. Although I've been out there when the spray iced so bad on my downriggers that I had to break ice off them with my fish knocker. The wind that day was 20 knots and the spray was freezing.

Can't wait I will be out tomorrow most likely and then a couple more times over the coming week. The only issue for me will be if there is snow on the road. Won't work pulling the boat down a snowy road.
Just be careful with cabin heaters. One dead and one in critical condition after returning from fishing at campbell River. Both found in thier boat at the marina... sad

20ft Alumaweld Intruder
Icy cold is great less boats, bring the riggers off the bottom , close the door and hope the fish dont bite......turn the heat on high![8D]
hahaha me and my friend are heading out on the 19th to fish in my open 14' tin boat... were going to fill up on pocket heaters ;p shzit its going to be ccccold
Heater was cranked today.. got a nice tan between the wind,& the heater.
I love to winter fish... usually very few boats and some of the best
eating salmon :D
So who's going out there today?

headin out in the morning,
gonna head out to se constance, mabe come back in for the later tide change.
buddies got a heater in his boat so we are taking his hahaha
chances are ill be on the kicker so gonna get the thermos on,,,
cant wait!!

Best day ever of winter spring fishing we had an inch of snow in the boat. Had to use our fish tub to scoop water out of the chuck and pour it on the ramp to melt the snow. Thank goodness for four wheel drive. Kind of a scary drive home though.
When we ride our dirtbikes in the cold we wear electric jackets. You can also get pants,socks or gloves. They don't take much juice to power and really heat you up. [8D]
I can make it to the ramp with no issues. The ramp is solid ice for 15 or so feet. At least a half inch thick too! Darn shame. Would have been a great morning- clear, crisp, and very little wind.

We have anoth bout of snow coming tomorrow. Doesn't like like I'll be getting out until early next week..
brisco, right on. anyone with a cigarette lighter outlet on their boat can do the same thing. gerbing is THE company, union, wa.
just about to head out for the afternoon,
got a thermos with baileys and coffee..
an it just started snowing again.. yey
ill post later on how i got on
