Chums in Browns Bay area?

I know the derby is on the 24th, but i was wondering when the chums start showing up around Browns Bay?When do guys start fishing them?
Thaks for any info.

After the generally crummy chinook season this year, the first sniff I get of those tackle busters north of the Narrows, I am GONE! Usually first week of October they start to build. By the derby time , they hopefully will be plentiful.

20ft Alumaweld Intruder
Good advice generally. Any reports of chum in the narrows?? Also interested to hear if anyone has a run strength forecast?
No chums yet in browns bay, my bro lives in C.R. and was up last weekend and saw none but got reports on them further up the straights so they are coming down, will be a week or two before good numbers show.
First wave is usually September and are generally small in numbers but large in size. The main runs usually hit around the first week of October and go til med November. Like everything else this year they should appear later than normal.
My guess is that come Derby time, it will be just peaking this year.
Pray for some sky water in the next couple weeks to get them moving.

I am going up this way Thankgiving weekend. Never fished for Chum Salmon, What do you use Bait or lures, Depths and speed any knowledge would be appreciated.

Where is the best place to Launch? Are there any facilites on Quadra Island?


cby.. Just use the search function for Chum Gear

Lots of gear suggestions and techniques to use have been posted in the past couple years.

Browns Bay Marina is the best launch for sure or you can launch in Campbell River and run up through the narrows, but be careful of the currents there.
