Canucks 2021 Season

Start the car, thank you Demko, Garland and Bo. Ekman-Larsson was a stud +2, 5 shots on goal. Leads the league for shots on goal by a defence man. Great trade so far. Canucks gave the Kraken the redline with speed and paid for it all night. Rathbone and Burroughs both struggled on coverage but unfortunately Hunt and Schenn aren't the answer. As for EP40 for the time being he's lost out there.
How come the Leafs got flattened?
Because their 3, $34 million dollar forwards have handcuffed team depth. That city has absolutely turned on Marner, and I don’t think you can trade him without retaining salary. Tavares was a vanity signing and wasn’t worth it from day 1. Matthews was injured to start season, I think he’ll be fine. Dubas’ arrogance and need to always be the smartest person in the room has got them in cap hell. Personally, I say let it burn…love to see it.
Because their 3, $34 million dollar forwards have handcuffed team depth. That city has absolutely turned on Marner, and I don’t think you can trade him without retaining salary. Tavares was a vanity signing and wasn’t worth it from day 1. Matthews was injured to start season, I think he’ll be fine. Dubas’ arrogance and need to always be the smartest person in the room has got them in cap hell. Personally, I say let it burn…love to see it.
Add in 7M for Nylander and yup thats a mess , they needed to win as soon as they signed Tavares and Nylander , now it’ll be hard to win , kinda enjoy it though
Is EP40 the new Ericson-Please say it ain't so--he looked so lost out there and giveaways--things have to get better for him!!

he’s been out for so long winding back to last year. he had too much pride to allow this to go on. he’ll work thru this. i hope ….
Because their 3, $34 million dollar forwards have handcuffed team depth. That city has absolutely turned on Marner, and I don’t think you can trade him without retaining salary. Tavares was a vanity signing and wasn’t worth it from day 1. Matthews was injured to start season, I think he’ll be fine. Dubas’ arrogance and need to always be the smartest person in the room has got them in cap hell. Personally, I say let it burn…love to see it.
4 players taking up half your salary cap isn’t a wise plan
No excuses again with the start after being outshot 15-4 in the first period. Better second but the Lotto Line and the power play are plain broken. The Lotto line not allowed to carry the zone is killing them. Schenn added some much needed toughness and I liked his game but overall the Canucks lack of urgency in a listless 3rd and 1st against a supposed tired team was the difference.
In my opinion this 7 game home stand will determine the future of the coaches. System is repetitive and predictable.
On to Edmonton I guess.
No excuses again with the start after being outshot 15-4 in the first period. Better second but the Lotto Line and the power play are plain broken. The Lotto line not allowed to carry the zone is killing them. Schenn added some much needed toughness and I liked his game but overall the Canucks lack of urgency in a listless 3rd and 1st against a supposed tired team was the difference.
In my opinion this 7 game home stand will determine the future of the coaches. System is repetitive and predictable.
On to Edmonton I guess.
I think Green has more time for now, maybe Christmas
No excuses again with the start after being outshot 15-4 in the first period. Better second but the Lotto Line and the power play are plain broken. The Lotto line not allowed to carry the zone is killing them. Schenn added some much needed toughness and I liked his game but overall the Canucks lack of urgency in a listless 3rd and 1st against a supposed tired team was the difference.
In my opinion this 7 game home stand will determine the future of the coaches. System is repetitive and predictable.
On to Edmonton I guess.

they got outplayed by a team that played last night and rolled into our town at mid nite. there’s no more excuses they gotta buckle down and play hard. no more .
Let's face it Edmonton has a generation player the Canucks can't match. Horrible first, came to life thereafter and weren't rewarded with the effort. 2 cheap penalties, no puck luck, game over.
Stigma of losing is now the norm and hopefully the ship rights at some point. Edmonton is playing with a ton of confidence and says thank you with the Canucks dump and chase system as the forwards can't chase. Horvat, OEL, Garland, Demko and Hughes playing as advertised. EP 40 much improved this evening but BB6 and Miller not so much.
Stop the bleeding please, someone, anyone. Rangers next, a quick video replay and they will have a pretty good idea of how to proceed.
Man oh man I was hoping for better. 3 fundamentals of winning hockey as we all know is PP,PK and Face offs. Canucks special teams are dismal and for face offs what's happened to Horvat and Miller? No 5 on 5 puck luck for sure but sloppy coverage and with EP40 lost out there the team is fragile. Really like Hoglander though. Changing my opinion on Dickinson he hasn't shown much of anything. The Chaisson experiment is now over.
The drop-off in Pettersson’s play is alarming to me. He used to be in the guts of the game, every game. He’s been hardly noticeable.
Pettersson is a skilled player who does compete but his skating is not elite and just maybe in the off season and through rehab he slacked off. Who knows but hopefully he will break out of this slump soon. Diffidently along with the #1 PP the whole unit is to stationery. "System or else something else is going on which we are not aware of?"
Good win last night but gaping holes in zone coverage is scary. Again thanks Demko, Miller and improved play of EP40.
Still frustrating to watch teams send 2 men in and win puck battles but our forwards can't seem to even get there.
This Podkolzin is going to be a beaut with a little more seasoning. Hopefully Green won't ruin him.
The power play got going last night which was great to see. The funny thing is that 2 of the goals they scored were when the Peterson one timer setup broke down and he was forced to play ealsewhere. This tells me that the one timer setup with Peterson is just not working as it’s so obvious and easy to key on. They need to move around more and create different looks. It worked last night planned or not.
agreed on Podkolzin, he looks good. Hoglander didn’t get any points but looked good and created opportunities again. Him and Garland are very similar and I like them both.
Best effort of the season last night and unlucky not to pull this one out. Although the first 10 minutes of the 3rd the Canucks decided to stand around and should have taken it to the Ducks. Green must give them a pill or something. Pods and Garland both had strong games.
The penalty call on Halak with 3 minutes to go I don't quite get that one.
No Hamonic for the road trip due to protocol will be a telling story as he has helped steady the defence. Still pockets of weak zone coverage is an ongoing issue.