best time



when in your opinion is the best time for hali's at swifsure, spring, summer, or fall??? I'd like to plan another trip was at Renfrew in July with limited success, thanks for the help.
For qiuck action, July/August is great, you just have to hit the spots on the right tide, you should have no trouble filling your boat with chickens on the right days. HOWEVER, for nice big butts, EARLY spring, March/April, however you have to anchor and bait and whatnot for those.

Remember, if you do not hit a patch on two or three drifts, MOVE TO DIFFERENT STRUCTURE. The little fish out there move around a lot, and don't be afraid to chase them deep, upwards of 400 ft if need be.

Swiftsure only really turns on for transient fish in the months when the bait shows up in numbers to attract the huge schools of hali's that carpet the bottom, sometimes it can be good right into fall, but the weather will keep you from getting there, if you can get there, it's sure as heck no fun drifting in 10 ft seas.