Best Fishing gag you pulled off


Well-Known Member
So lets here about some practical jokes you've played on your fellow fishing buddies!!! This should be fun.
I have a couple to start it off. Was up in Bamfield during the 3 consecutive bad Mackerel years in the 90's. The water in the sound was really warm and mac's were terrible. I told Gary Mawer who guided back then to go along with this the next day on the radio. I said I'm going to call you and say" did you see that?" and go on the say we hooked into a Marlin or Sailfish and it was jumping all over the place before it bust off. Gary goes with it and says; that was unbelievable I thought that is what it was didn't believe my eyes, that must have been close to 200 pounds. I said I guess with all this warm water the odd one is up here with the mac's. Left it at that then waited. It was going through the pub that night and all over Bamfield that someone had hooked into a Marlin. LOL
The 2nd one was a very slow fall day in Sooke fishing for coho. Nothing was happening. Sometime before noon TarBaby calls me and asks if I have found any coho, he hasn't. I said to my customers, you want to see how many people are listening? I said ya we only need one more for our 8 fish limit. How deep you fishing he asks? I said I'm down 135 feet, nothing up shallow so I went into the basement and found them. Immediately guys all around us started letting out the downriggers. We laughed then I told him I was just kidding we had nothing...didn't want those guys finding them down there and having the last laugh!!!
I had some buddies out from Alberta fishing the big water for the first time. They were jigging and somehow there line got tangled. When one fellow reeled his gear in they had the others guys line hooked up. So, they grabbed the line and gave 3 big tugs. The other guys rod went crazy but he never said anything. They did this a couple more times and finally he said "Al, I think I got something". They had quite a few laughs overs this.
B.Builder: Had the exact same thing happen to me back in the late 70's.

Calm hot afternoon in August, drifting in a 14/ft rent-a-boat in 'the Gap' between Salmon Rock & Gower Point near Gibsons. I'm in one of about 4 rental boats that my buddies and rented that day and there's got to be at least 50 other boats working the same area.

No fish all day. It's midafternoon and I'm drunk/stoned passed-out on the bow of the open boat with my rod across my chest and at least 300/ft of line out with a 1/2-oz weight and previously alive herring on a mooching set up.

Suddenly I'm awakened by a huge tugging on my rod, nearly yanking it from my hand! I jump-to positioning myself at the bow of the boat like Captain Ahab ready to battle Moby Dick. Line is screaming off my reel amidst great pulling and yanking. I start yelling at my then girlfriend/now wife to fire up the boat and give chase.

I'm freaking! It's the 'Biggest fish in the World' and I've got it on my line!

The battle goes on for over 15 minutes as we weave in and out of all the boats chasing the 'Monster', all the while with me screaming at Vicki - really screaming - to turn this way then that way as I try to recover line.

Every one but me - including Vicki - knew that my buddies had trolled past us earlier (with one very long trailing line) and hooked onto my line while I was snoozing. When the light finally went on as we got to within a hundred yards or so of my buddies boat and I could see him yanking on the road while the rest of my pals - and 100 or so others fishing 'the Gap' that day - were rolling around in the bottom of the boat laughing till their stomachs hurt, I sank slowly into to bottom of the boat, like warm syrup.

"Some could care less if there's any fish left for our kids!"
Wrapped up a FROZEN SUCKER from the Vedder with it's mouth frozen wide open, in freezer paper with a note inside that said " a sucker for a sucker " on it mean while the outside said Sockeye Salmon on it ......... it was priceless seeing the look on the faces when they saw the ugly mug !

I left a boat early one day and ran into a creel surveyor that I knew and gave him the fish I was holding as I had something I had to do and had no time to deal with the fish. I asked him in return to confront to operators of the boat that I was in when they came back in and tell them he had confiscated the illegal fish from me and that they were to searched and that the RCMP were on their way. I sat across the street laughing so hard watching this happen then I just drove away.
One ofmy best ones was going offshore to meet up with a buddy who was longlineing out off big bank. I rolled up and as I was waiting for them to pull their string I dropped the salmon gear down, by the time they pulled their gear (about 1 hour) I had 6 nice sized 25-40# springs on board. I pulled up alog side my buddies boat and he gave me 6 giant halibut! I gave him some supplies then I was on my way back to UKI when I pulled in there I stopped at a fish plant to get some ice, and noticed they had just gotten in a load of Tuna. I traded for 6 tuna got some ice then headed for the cleaning table at the marina. A couple of the guides noticed that I had just left about 4 hours ago and came over to see what I was cleaning. I told them that I had just run out to south bank and then caught all this fish including the tuna. I was pretty convincing and told them that in order to get the tuna to bite I had to "bucktail" a herring at about 10 knts. The next morning I was a little late getting out but on my way to big bank I drove through the crowd of boats at south bank and I was laughing my butt off when I saw more than 1 charter guy planeing a herring behind his boat!!:D
Whenever we had a decent size spring on board my old man pulled the same gag. Anytime someone trolled by and asked if we had caught anything he would say yeah,we got 3. He would then pick up and put down the same fish 3 times.
This is a recent good one. I take the line from the center rod attached to the rigger and pull the line with me back into the cabin. I sit looking ahead and wait for someone I know to come down the side. I keep an eye on them and pretend to be looking forward. As soon as they look my way I start pulling hard on the line, making the centre rod jump up and down. They always start yelling hey Rollie fish on the back rod!!! You only get them once. I did this up in Nootka, got all the guides in camp except David he was in CR for a few days. When he got back I set him up at Camel Rock...instead of hollering over at me he goes on our private radio channel and says Rollie you have a fish on the back rod. Trevor comes on laughing..Rollie did you just get David? All of a sudden the guy on my back side starts yelling at me too...I get on the radio and tell Trevor I got a double header!!!! lol
there is another guide on here that does the same rod pumping thing, not that i ever fell for it[:I][:eek:)], well not more than 2 or 3 times, now i just dont trust that blue wolf;)[:p]
YES ive done that to you LOL LOL its funny every time especially seeing you jump up and down yelling LOL LOL,

The best is when MY best freind Paul did it to the saltsprings boys the had the boat called the SS moneysucker Im sure you have all seen it the had a patio umbrella attached to there boat, all three of them were yelling at the top of there lungs until Paul popped up from the side gunnel and said hi LOL LOL they were laughing all day long we drank and laughed after at the gathering good times......


Blue Wolf Charters
A good one they did to me many many years ago with my first year guiding we used to use the honda kickers ad me being the rookie guide after they short sheeted my bed, them kickers the hose could attach either way so they reversed the lines on me I pulled and pulled and pulled damn thing would NOT start so im trolling wit the big moter and this one guide yells over did you check the lines !!!????? ding then I knew what was going on LOL LOL was sucking the gas right out of the carb!!!!e is just pissing him self laughing eeeeerrrrrr

So I just dont take that I get even asked the cook if we had vasiline gives me a tub go onto this quides boat and apply a thin layer to his downrigger clips where you put your line in, back then they used the ones which had a a male /female and you stuck them together with the snap and clip were all one and were white im sure you know the ones. every time he put the line it pop of it would realease until I said check your clips LOL LOL he never did try and get me again LOL LOL


Blue Wolf Charters
Fishing in a firefighters derby years ago near Roberts creek, buddies forgot their anchor, so we fed them about 150 feet of rope and they tied off our stern. One of them is hung over big time, falls asleep in on the bow. I slowly pull them in, grab his line and push him off, letting them drift back, then ....... start YANKING on the line and pulling it out ... screamin reels affect ... dude wakes up .... starts pulling back and finally catches on to what we did ... too funny !
Whats even better I did it again an hour later to the same guy ... no body said firefighters were smart ......LOL

Fishing trip to Algonquin Park several years back with my brother and some of his buddies. One of the guys, Bob gets loaded (as do the rest of us) and falls asleep in his chair around the campfire. This guy won't wake up for anything!!! Poor Bob gets his picture taken -- many times -- funny hats, drunk guys mooning him, arms and legs moved around -- no matter what they do he won't wake up, just keeps snoring. The funniest series of photos involve a 12" kolbassa placed in interesting positions (including in his ear).

Bob never fell asleep at the campfire again.

Had a client that was pi$$ing me and his buddies off to no end. Comments like, "where's the fish?", "how come he has one and we don't", crap like that.

So one day we head down the sound for some sockeye, fishing four rods, with one one to each client, plus a single for whom ever reaces it first. The mouthy client, I set up the flasher and pink squirt with no hook, the single was the same.

Well it was pretty funny to watch him squirm while all his buddies caught their limit. He fimally quite complaining and sat there and pouted. After we had 8 socks in the boat, his buddies sat back and enjoyed a cool one while we trolled around trying to catch his limit. It got dark and he came home with one.....He never did shut up, but he was the joke of the boat the next day.

Some good stuff guys!!!



Last year we were fishing for cohos and my Dad was being super cocky saying he could out fish my buddy Mike and I. So we decided to have a little competition. The last person to land a keeper fishing has to clean the tub full of fish!

So my dad asks me to throw his favorite lure and flasher in the water for him. I do as he asks but without him knowing I tkae the hook off of his spoon.[:p] I then put my favorite and Mike does the same (With hooks). After about 15 mins Mike puts a nice 8 pound Coho in the boat. And then Bang my dads rod pops off the rigger but nothing! So he resets his gear and gets back to driving the boat. Then my rod goes and I loose a nice Coho. Then my Dads rod pops off the rigger again. And there is not fish there. My Dad is starting to get frustrated at this point. I then Get another bite and loose the fish. My Dad soon decides hes had enough and says hes gonna check the hook on his spoon to make sure its sharp! Busted[:0]...there was no hook. We led him to belive that it just fell off.;) We bugged him all day. [:p]

Moral to my story is Karma. My dad ended up throwing a hook on his spoon and landing a nice 12 pound Coho. And I was the one who never landed a fish. I spent 2.5 hours that afternoon processing fish.[xx(]
the boys are out trout fishing on some pristine lake one of them is a chain smoker & is flicking the butts over the side buddy says to him that's not a cool thing to do. the[}:)]sneers @ him & flicks another butt over his side pegs his main line with the disgarded butt watch's in disbelief as his favorite garden hackle& flatfish(gang troll) sink to the bottom
We had a fellow fall asleep one day while we were out fish. Fishing was slow but as soon as we hooked into a fish we got sealed. So we woke the fellow up and told him he was up and this was sure to be a big one. Well we were not lying. He jump into action, fought it for some time.Sure got his heart going.
Slow fishing one day at Kootenai Lake. My boat mate is snooring away so I took the lid from the pot of chili we cooked up and attached it to his line with a swivel and let it go. I quietly went back to my chair and waited for it to hit the end of his line. Sure enough his drag starts singing and wakes him up. He fought that pot lid for 20 minutes. Finally it got close enough to the boat that he started hollering "I see color" (it was a silver lid). I thought I was going to die laughing when he figured out what he had caught.

Of course paybacks are hell. The following Saturday my phone started ringing at 6:00 am with a constant string of people asking if "the boat was still for sale". Turned out my friend had listed my boat for sale in the paper at a firesale price!