Awesome - "Must See" - Fishfarming Film!


You obviously have no idea what costs are already heaped upon the farm industry, or what level of scrutiny exists. You simply live in your dream world where there is anarchy on the oceans and farms do whatever they want, crushing and stomping out wild salmon at every chance.

Reasonable costs of doing business yes, but irrational emotional arguments from whale biologists do not constitute the basis for reasonable costs. She wants the farmns out of the water necause she is being paid to do just that, ansd the rest of you sheep are falling for it.
I know you are scared Sockeyefry must be intimidating to have all of us out here. But to make you feel better I do beleive that eventually we will be looking at farms that we can all agree on......but then again that could be me slipping back int my "dream world" again ;)
BTw one more thing I must say is that I am very impressed with Fishing Guide's posts and the respectful way in which he writes. Your posts make sense, are fair and not directed personally in any negative way. A breath of fresh air my friend. Keep up the good work. I also happen to agree with you but if I didn't i would still have respect for you and what you say.
I have to agree Peahead. Contained pens (if thats what you are refering to) would eliminate a lot of head aches we all endure debating back and forth on the rights and wrongs in Aquaculture. Its good for both sides as water treatment before and after use in the farm is possible, it eliminates the effects of predation and algae blooms, it separates cultured from wild completely, among other things.

The problem I see is that any contained system is expensive as hell and since farmed salmon is demonized at every turn there isnt enough profit for farmers to easily convert. If there is a mandatory change than any local small time farms will be wiped out leaving only the big companies and than everyone suffers mutually. In which case everyone may support Sockeyes willingness to say how he feels regardless of the obvious oppositions.