All Things COVID-19

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That's what happens when you test the population. Compare the % tested vs BC. If you dont test you dont know. It's like driving while staring at the hood ornament.

Nearly 1.5 per cent of Albertans have now been tested for COVID-19 and Alberta maintains the highest per-capita rate of testing among all provinces.

Now compare the number of Calgary or better yet Albertans in hospitals vs BC and you will see a very similar trend.

(Also Calgary has an international airport that accepts international flights.)
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Thanks for trying to explain and don't get me wrong I think Dr Deena Hinshaw is doing an excellent job leading your province in this fight.

A couple points that I have noticed.

It's true that Alberta test more per-capita than BC, this may just be because of a different strategy. Alberta finds 2.09 cases per 100 and BC finds 3.43 cases per 100 tests. So there is more to it then looking at the hood ornament, it's finding the places those cars with hood ornaments are parked.

Thanks for putting those two graphs together that show the patients in hospital. I agree it's the trend that counts and it's my favorite even as it lags in time by 10 to 14 days. Still tells alot but also shows how Alberta has way less people in hospital even though our overall counts similar. I think I know the answer to that as I found the Alberta website that has the data and it shows that younger people are testing positive. Here is the link to the website. Lot's of good info in there.

Now for the what's going on in Calgary. Airport? Yea I'm not sure but I have friends and family in Calgary and they sure do like to travel. So who knows but it sure is a hotspot for covid-19. If you are on any websites there speak out and tell them to take this seriously before it gets into all the old folks homes.
taken from another thread. can someone point to a link or official site that details something like this as enforceable by law in bc?

This is second hand info - but heard a police boat was at south Bowen on Sunday checking boats and giving out $750 fines per head to individuals on boats that did not live together
Wasn't it in the quarantine act or some ****? I too have heard people getting $1000 fines for being in a vehicle together while travelling "non-essentially" o_O
Message to U.S. Citizens in Canada: Domestic Travel Restrictions within Canada

April 15, 2020

Location: Canada  

Event: COVID-19 Updates and Summary of Domestic Travel Restrictions within Canada 


In addition to restrictions on non-essential travel between the United States and Canada, a number of provinces and territories have put in place specific restrictions for travel across their borders, including for domestic travelers.  The information and links below provide information about recent restrictions.  This information is accurate as of April 15, please check the links for information prior to any planned travel. 

Canada (nation-wide measures): As of April 15, “travelers returning to Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic must have a credible quarantine plan before they enter the country.” The order strengthens the Quarantine Act and gives authorities expanded abilities to screen travelers’ quarantine plan. If the plan is deemed inadequate, travelers may be denied entry or be required to quarantine in a hotel.

Alberta:No current interprovincial domestic travel restrictions. 

British Columbia:No current interprovincial domestic travel restrictions. 

Manitoba:No current interprovincial domestic travel restrictions, but the Manitoba government has established highway checkpoints to help inform travelers about the public health measures in place to slow the spread of COVID-19.  Public health officials recommend “anyone who returns from international or domestic travel should self-isolate and self-monitor for symptoms for 14 days following their return.” 

New Brunswick:“New Brunswick implemented restrictions for all travelers who are arriving from outside the province. This includes interprovincial/territorial and international travel. At this time exemptions are being made for certain individuals, but this is subject to change.” 

Newfoundland and Labrador: “Travelers arriving to Newfoundland and Labrador from outside the province are required to self-isolate for 14 days, including those arriving from other provinces and territories in Canada.” 

Nova Scotia:Only visitors providing essential services will be admitted to Nova Scotia. All workers, including temporary foreign workers, admitted into the province must self-isolate for 14 days.

Ontario: No current interprovincial domestic travel restrictions. 

Prince Edward Island: Anyone coming into Prince Edward Island must self-isolate for 14 days following all out of province travel, including within Canada and the United States.” 

Quebec:”Service de police de la Ville de Gatineau (SPVG) officers are being deployed to strategic entry points to restrict travel to only essential purposes.” 

Saskatchewan: No current interprovincial domestic travel restrictions. 

Northwest Territories:Travelers must “self-isolate and complete the approved self-isolation plan” for 14 days after arriving in the NWT. 

Nunavut: “Only Nunavut residents and critical workers will be allowed into the territory. Residents will have to provide proof of residency to be allowed to fly into Nunavut.  Prior to boarding a plane into the territory, residents will undergo a mandatory 14-day isolation period in either Ottawa, Winnipeg, Edmonton or Yellowknife.” 

Yukon:“All visitors to the territory are required to self-isolate for 14 days. This includes anyone returning home from other provinces and territories by road or air, as well as Yukoners returning home by road from Alaska.” 
FWIW, i don't condone or support stupid behaviour. but i always like to know what the law/truth is.. what i've posted is dated march 31 but i cant find anything newer

Compliance and Enforcement Guidance about Public Health Orders with respect to Physical Distancing – Brief This document is accurate as of March 31, 2020 and is subject to change. Purpose This document is to provide guidance to compliance and enforcement officials (C&EOs) such as bylaw enforcement officers and other provincial compliance officers i.e. liquor and cannabis control and licencing inspectors, gambling enforcement and investigations officers, and community safety personnel with respect to the implementation of COVID-19 public health orders. NOTE: Police officers and C&EOs are not empowered to enforce (i.e. ticket or detain) with respect to public health orders. Their role is to provide assistance only when called upon by a health officer pursuant to section 90 of the Public Health Act.
Yeah. Heard a friend of a friend got $700 ticket for driving from port hardy to campbell River was non essential. Know there is no ticket for that and not even been a health order! Told him to fight it and easy win! It’s literally not against any law or order and Bonnie has literally said ““On the topic of travel enforcement, Dr. Bonnie Henry has said: ‘we have not taken that approach in B.C. and we don’t intend to”
Apparently RCMP are doing spot checks on water, and ramps for this. Some guy is talking about this on Facebook right now. It makes sense right now not a time to put buddies on your boat.

Apparently if your caught, and people not as same residence and it is mandatory 14 days in quarantine.
I find this to be one of the rules that may be a little overkill. If you are on a decent sized boat you can maintain social distancing! Why is a boat different than anything else? My theory is it’s to stop a group from heading out in a small tinny, but it’s too hard to be specific. Let’s face it people out for a walk while trying to maintain social distancing often invade each other’s 2 metre exclusion zone. Are the RCMP going to set up a similar sidewalk patrol.
Throughout this self isolation phase I’ve seen some good ideas and some very questionable. For instance I can order soil from the gravel mart for delivery by simply giving my credit card over the phone and waiting two weeks and paying a delivery charge. I can’t however phone in an order, give my credit card number and pick it up with my own truck? Why? I can stay in the truck and the employee can stay in the cab of the loader? Makes no sense to me?
I think whenever people approach a new system there is a tendency to over react which can backfire. By all means promulgate rules but make sure they make sense. Keep in mind however that if your rules seem unreasonable and unenforceable they as well some that shouldn’t be will get ignored. Keep the rules concise to the minimum and only those you are prepared to enforce .
Full disclosure I for the most part believe the government is doing a good job.
Such a slippery slope.
Up until now, quarantine meant isolating sick / contagious people.

Then we have the Prime Minister, chiding us to cancel plans and stay at home, going to his family at the lake cottage.
I understand that there is little chance of infecting other by his doing so, but it is such bad leadership.

Like Ziggy's example above, so much of these rules and enforcement decisions are ad hoc.

Keep those hospitalization graphs coming, they are the most telling of the situation.
Thank you to those who post them up.
Just listening to the numbers. I wish they would report long care home/prison numbers separately than general public numbers. As doing the math the vast majority of new cases today are long care and the prison outbreak. But if they did that it wouldn’t scare people into staying inside I’m sure.
Just listening to the numbers. I wish they would report long care home/prison numbers separately than general public numbers. As doing the math the vast majority of new cases today are long care and the prison outbreak. But if they did that it wouldn’t scare people into staying inside I’m sure.

Whys that?

In reality, while the numbers do look better than they did two weeks ago, we aren't capturing every case. So better yes, but we still need to keep going. Hearing that 50-80% of known cases are in an institution would only result in people relaxing and numbers would balloon 4 to 14 days later...and wed have lost.
I know I'm offside, but itf the hospitals are currently way less than capacity, lower than pre covid, them we should open it up a bit. Otherwise we are in this holding pattern for a long time.
I know, I know, sit around and wait for the vaccine...

you’re not offside. Your logical.
I think they are looking at opening up elective surgery’s soon. The will use up some of the additional capacity they created
I wouldn't bank on elective happening too soon. I work actively with Fraser, Interior and Vancouver Coastal in my line of work. They are still in a holding pattern until Bonnie states otherwise.

We are flattening......but far from out of the woods.
I wouldn't bank on elective happening too soon. I work actively with Fraser, Interior and Vancouver Coastal in my line of work. They are still in a holding pattern until Bonnie states otherwise.

We are flattening......but far from out of the woods.

Thanks nice to have inside perspective.
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