60lb/15lb Halibut Limit - Let's Discuss

May 1st to Sept 6th this is when most Canadians take holidays, On the bigger picture we need more % if the Halibut are sitting in freezers cut that back another 3% boost Rec up.

I disagree with this suggestion. I would rather have a shorter season then have to release a 65lb halibut.
I feel we sould release the large ones do in part that they are all females. But as humans we what to take the biggest. Its in our DNA. Must change our mind set.
I feel we sould release the large ones do in part that they are all females. But as humans we what to take the biggest. Its in our DNA. Must change our mind set.

I worked on a IPHC boat and we got paid more for them halibut that they ask the rec. fisherman to release. Why release them so some slipper skippers crew can kill them to support their families when them same fish can feed our own.
Show me a fisheries notice Dave....

It is a recommendation and a dumb one at that
Not only the size issue but a limit of 6 fish a yr and we all know that once you throw a number out there its hard to get more back,,official opening is slated for March 15th if DFO goes with SFAB reccomendations .People are going to get hurt or even killed with measuring halibut of this size at the side of the boat,,,We have just handed the commies a gift ,,,i guess the guys at SFAB feel they need some help too ,,,
What a bunch of clowns..... on this thread.... Not all of you but most...
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Perhaps I'm getting tired and a bit grumpy.
But this has got to be the lowest point I have seen on this forum to date.
I can't believe what I'm reading.....
I expect these kind of posts for a few of you as that's the way you roll. (Jerry)
You have an agenda and it's clear what it is.
The rest of you...... I expect better than that.
SFAB has been tasked by DFO to come up with a decision that's going to be tough to take.
Nice.... Now they (SFAB) look like the bad guys.... Well played DFO....
The real problem is the 15/85 split and the decline of the Canadian Halibut TAC.
The halibut biomass is going down hill, it's not in trouble yet but the future is not bright.
None of the fish in the ocean have a bright future.
Why is that? Well the commercials have been hammering it hard. (Jerry)
The Alaska by-catch, you know the ones they throw over the side dead, is out of control.
Heck the by-catch is bigger then the Canadian TAC.
Another reason the halibut are not growing as fast as they once were.
Why is that? Some say there is not enough food in the ocean.
Where has all the food gone? Could it be the we have taken them?
Some say the ocean is warming up and upsetting the balance and mother nature can't adjust fast enough.
Well why is it warming up? Could it be our race to the bottom to burn every drop of oil on the planet.
In January IPHC wanted a 30% decrease in our halibut TAC.
Were we not happy and grateful to the team that go our TAC back up?
Guess what ... the lead was a SFAB member and now you want to toss him out.
We use to have a 12/88 split and now we have a 15/85 split.
Who the heck should we thank for that? Yup the same guy's you are disrespecting on this thread.
Shame..... What a bunch of sheep (from the book animal farm)
Area 14
FYI Annual limit of 6 fish, 2 at 15# and 2 at 60# = 150 Pounds of Halibut.
How much do you need? I already know how much you want and frankly I'm not impressed.
Who is SFAB anyway..... Well it is made up of all the groups we have here in BC
Not just the local anglers like me and you.
Adapt your fishing, make it work and when asked to write letters to DFO and you MP do it.
Some of us are getting tired of the lack of support we getting from some of you.
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I have asked over 8 times where this meeting was.
I gave you the date the city and the hotel.
I also told you to phone first to confirm.
But that's not what you really want is it.....
I bet with these regs it will be circle hooks only. Barbless won't work Hali take a J hook too deep. Never fish with trebles but I bet they take those deep too. Circle hooks are the answer and cut the line if you can't get the hook out easy.

My answer to measuring is always if in doubt throw it out but I imagine I'll want to get a stick on a fish that big to find out for sure.

I don't like the reg but really it should have been done across all sectors and for all species decades ago. removing animals (or fish) from the top of the gene pool is never what nature intended. The strong survive the weak die but humans only want to catch the strongest ones.
don't know the data, but my best guess says that most of the fish are caught on Sat. and Sun. A couple of mid week closures may not have that much of an effect.

REALLY not going to effect hhhhmmm look at a current book or how about elimanating the weekend then to off set the weekend warriors...off the water.... yeah thats about as good as this stupid reccomondations!!!!!!!! when is this going to stop.sorry if you dont know "data" or much about his fishery dont comment. I know people who cant even judge a 30 lber let alone a 60 lber especially in the water.

Where does common sense prevail here?? *** me!!!!!

I was trying to explain to a client the other day all about the rules and regs here in area 19/20 re salmon and halibut he then turns to me and says WTH you need to be a lawyer with all this stuff talk about micro managing!!!!
This is the dumbist thing i have ever heard of and if its true that the sfab is supporting this WOW.....
Let me understand this.... it's not a regulation yet correct ?
surely someone with an ounce of intelligence will understand
a rule like this will cause more damage to the fish than good.
Does anyone have links to this information? I can't find it anywhere where it states this new law.

Common sense isnt rocket science but appears to be for some Scott...... amazing in this day that some people just dont get it ....
Tough to be a guy who wants to become a guide.

Circle hooks mandatory im OK with. 6 a year nothing wrong with that to me.

How about a trophy halibut tag (25-50$) you could add to your license. If you want to harvest a trophy over 60 then you have to buy a tag good for 1 fish over. Use this money to pay to buy back TAC. If you dont want the tag dont buy it.
I can foresee disaster for some fishermen as well...
Imagine a rookie hooking into his first slab, then trying to land
and measure it while it flops around with hooks, weights and metal hanging out of
its mouth.
Someone will get injured for sure.:(
Those of you feeling you might like to throw some energy in an exciting new direction to help us make a serious-stand for the rights of anglers today and in the future, I highly encourage you to have a look if you haven't done so already.

