2013 Vancouver, Howe Sound and Sunshine Coast Fishing Reports Thread.

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....might not be magic but those TKO's sure work like it! I need to grab a few more thats for sure. each one I have gets beat to hell! :)
Was fishing the hump a week ago Hans solo and hit my first deadhead in 20 years on the water, it was a widow maker (inverted log) with just the butt poking up every now and then thought I was going in the drink by force of the impact ,was waiting for the pumps to kick in and nothing. Lifted the motor it's still there so circled back and took some pics for insurance people just in case .Fished the rest of the day happy to have the boat in one piece. Don't know how far the tides move something like that but be aware in case it's lurking somewhere. After inspecting the boat at home i couldnt find a mark on it ??? lucky i must of hit it right on the chine. . So where does a guy go to pick up some of those flags on a metal stand that you can hammer in a deadhead to warn my fellow boaters or do I have to make em.??
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I was born and raised in Fisherman's Cove and as a kid would hang out with the Log Salvage guys that were home based there.
I kinda remember a couple guys who damaged thier boats (one sank) taking Mac/Blow to court for full damages. They Won !!!
Just about every log has a stamp in the end , if you take a pic and get that number it will tell u who owns that log.
They have insurance for thier lost logs. I think if you had good pics with ID stamp number and got a strong letter to them from a lawyer they would settle pretty quick.
A few yrs back most logs were transported on log barges , but seems there are more booms again coming out of Gambier dumping grounds and heading up river.
If a logging truck dumped a huge log on the freeway and caused accidents i think is kinda similar.
Fished the hump yesterday, 7-3, a little choppy in the am but nice later on. Caught 2, 1 undersize and a 14 lb marbled on chovie at 92 ft, again......2 hits.......two fish
The morning yesterday was great until noon, thats when I pulled the pin. It was just a crab day for us (as I'm done leaving my traps) and we did good off the north arm. Big keepers, not lots, but it was quality over quantity, for sure.

Heard of quite a bit of action from the hump on the radio, multiple hookups by the sounds of it. Wed. looks to be the next good window.
Went out to the hump yesterday early, first trip for salmon this season.

A bit choppy for the ride out but decent enough for fishing. Right after getting second line down, first rod starts shaking,. Totally taken by surprised, about ten minutes into first trip of the season. But I knew exactly what to do and grabbed the rod. Hook set and soon landed a nice fat 12# marble spring. Anchovy at 138'. Then another hit about 1/2 hour later and my buddy "lets it go" with a long line release. That was anchovy at 121'. Then another hit at 121' that did not stick. Then my turn to let one go at 127' on anchovy. Then another hit at 127 that never stuck. Conditions got better as time went on. It was calm by noon, and almost flat. Best bight was at the start of the flood. Slower in the afternoon.By the time we reeled up we could see the rain on the northshore. Picked up some nice crabs on the way home. By the time we hit the dock it was pouring and ugly. A decent start to the year. Hope to get out again soon.
looking good forecast wise for today may just be tempted to one last run out to the hump before going away ...lol
report back later
Is the WILDTHING the only one braving these flat calm conditions?? LOL

are we all working or quitely snuck out to the water?

Bad Habits Del Mar will be poking around the hump around 6pm for a quick troll. Can't let a day like this get by with out tugging a line or two :)

anyone else?
I had plans to go out tonight, even have rods and bait in the car as we speak but, my buddy bailed so now I am letting the wife go out instead to some woman meeting while I watch the kids

She's going out fishing with me Marty ;-)
lol !!!

wish I was going out and i didn't have to watch the game lol
Id be out there but i had a small problem with a rock so the bottom end of my motor is in the shop for a bit :(
Ya I am thinking of making tonight my first solo trip....see how that goes!
I will be out tomorrow, early am looks like a tight swing.... Hopefully the Norwesterly behaves a bit. I will report back!!
I'd be out there if I wasn't 3000 miles away from my boat in Hawaii, but when I get back you can bet I'll be out
fished today on da hump, slow as expected due to minimal tides in AM, awesome weather, lots o boats, heard of 2 fish only, we didnt get a sniff, crabs stacked and 80 prawns, not all lost
well just to report back just fished 8-10.30 at the hump seen one or two get caught
think the grady with the looney stood up on the hard top had one ....lol
ran 135 - 80 3.5" green splatter/glow spoon and mini glow green hoochie and a fake bait
no hit's so headed to tunstall bay as the wind did get a little choppy
and picked up a undersize which was released
then got a call to go back to work which
put an end to my day out
oh well have fun for the next few weeks while i am away
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