1993 Seaswirl Stryper


New Member
Hey folks,

Long time lurker, first time poster. As I'm sure many of you can relate I'm hunting for my first boat and I came across a 1993 Seaswirl Stryper and was wondering if anyone has any experience with these types?
Any info would be greatly appreciated!


That boat is coming up on 30 years old, so the condition of the mechanical and electrical systems is going to be much more important than general information about the brand of boat.

Obviously the hull could have deterioration or issues too. You may want to hire a surveyor to look over the hull and systems.

Give us some more info about the specific boat including photos and a link to the ad and we may be able to offer more specific feedback
Honestly for your first boat I would stay far away from an IO, keep things simple and go outboards.

And your last boat too, and full disclosure I'm a Volvo penta IO owner...